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Top page Solar photovoltaic software (5,076)

This category contains lab protocols for Western University's Free Appropriate Sustainable Technology (FAST) Research Group.


FAST Templates[edit | edit source]

Project Development & Management[edit | edit source]

  • The method for open source hardware projects is underdevelopment.
  • The method for using GitHub can be found at GitHub:FAST.

Research Data Repository Approaches[edit | edit source]


Procurement & Finances[edit | edit source]

Ordering[edit | edit source]

All electrical equipment used on campus must be certified for use in Ontario to minimize the risk of fire and/or personal harm while operating the equipment. When purchasing new equipment, ensure the equipment supplier is aware of the required approvals that are acceptable by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). There is a higher risk that equipment purchased from overseas countries will not have the correct certification. For example, the CE mark is a European certification not recognized in Canada.

Further information is available at:

Travel[edit | edit source]

  • See finance.uwo.ca/ for reimbursement once you login,
    • transport auto km allowance
    • transport other tolls
    • accomadations - other
    • meal all day

Suggested Suppliers[edit | edit source]

Hazardous Materials[edit | edit source]

Applications & Software Tools[edit | edit source]

Useful Software[edit | edit source]

Category Software Description
Research Tools Open Science Framework Citable repository for research data and collaboration.
Figshare Alternative citable repository for data.
Zotero Reference management software.
Zotero-SciHub A plugin that will automatically download PDFs of Zotero items from Sci-Hub.
Mozilla's Science Tools Tools for scientific collaboration provided by Mozilla.
Plagiarism Checker Tool to check for plagiarism in documents.
DeftPDF Tool for combining and rearranging PDF files.
Engauge Digitizer Tool for converting graphs and charts to data.
Automation and Scripting LocalAI Free, open-source AI alternative that's self-hosted, community-driven, and local-first, runs on consumer-grade hardware without requiring a GPU, supporting gguf, transformers, diffusers, and more, enabling text, audio, video, and image generation, along with voice cloning capabilities.
AutoHotkey Free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Windows.
StableDiffusion AI-based image generation tool.
ControlNet Neural network control tool.
OpenPose Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library.
Selenium Open-source tool for automating web browsers.
Jenkins Open-source automation server for continuous integration and delivery.
Ansible Open-source automation tool for IT tasks.
Taverna Software for designing and executing workflows.
Plotting and Graphing Veusz Scientific plotting and graphing package.
Dia Diagram editor for creating flowcharts and diagrams.
Design and Modelling Edrawings Viewer Tool for viewing CAD files.
Netfabb STL Checker/Fixer Tool for checking and fixing STL files.
Gcode Viewer Tool for viewing and analyzing G-code files.
FreeCAD Open-source parametric 3D CAD modeler.
Blender Open-source 3D creation suite.
MeshLab Open-source system for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes.
SALOME Open-source software that provides a generic platform for Pre- and Post-Processing for numerical simulation.
OpenSCAD Software for creating 3D CAD models.
Meshroom 3D reconstruction software based on photogrammetry.
Inkscape Vector graphics editor.
KiCAD EDA Open-source software suite for electronic design automation.
Dia Diagram editor.
Krita Open-source painting program.
GIMP Open-source image editor.
LibreCAD Open-source 2D CAD application.
3D Printing Slic3r An open-source 3D printing slicing software used for converting 3D models into G-code.
Cura A versatile and widely-used slicing application developed by Ultimaker for 3D printers.
Lulzbot Cura A customized version of Cura specifically designed for Lulzbot 3D printers.
PrusaSlicer A powerful slicing application tailored for Prusa 3D printers, based on Slic3r.
OrcaSlicer An advanced slicing tool known for its detailed customization options and high-quality output.
IceSL A powerful slicing software that combines modeling and slicing capabilities, providing advanced users with highly customizable options.
MatterControl An open-source 3D printing software that includes a slicing engine along with design and printer management tools.
SuperSlicer A fork of PrusaSlicer with additional features and improvements, offering enhanced print quality and control.
Productivity Python Programming language.
Arduino IDE Integrated development environment for Arduino.
LibreOffice Open-source office suite.
Zotero Reference management software.
Multimedia Kdenlive Open-source video editor.
Audacity Open-source audio editor.
Web Browsers Firefox Web browser.
File Management 7-Zip Open-source file archiver.

Open-Source Software (OSS) Development[edit | edit source]

FAST's Open-Source Software for Hybrid Energy Systems - SAMA[edit | edit source]

FAST has developed an open-source (GNU GPL v3) software for optimal sizing of hybrid energy systems called Solar Alone Multi-objective Advisor (SAMA). SAMA is mainly concentrated on stand-alone off-grid solar photovoltaic (PV)-based renewable energy systems (RES).

Data & Information[edit | edit source]

Meteorological data[edit | edit source]

  • The following meteorological data can be freely downloaded from the NSRDB database:
    • Temperature,
    • Clearsky diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI),
    • Clearsky direct normal irradiance (DNI),
    • Clearsky global horizontal irradiance  (GHI),
    • Cloud Type,
    • Dew Point,
    • DHI,
    • DNI,
    • Fill Flag,
    • GHI,
    • Ozone,
    • Relative Humidity,
    • Solar Zenith Angle,
    • Surface Albedo,
    • Pressure,
    • Precipitable Water,
    • Wind Direction,
    • Wind Speed.
  • Solar data
    • Solar irradiation data (GHI, DNI, DHI) can be accessed from the NSRDB database.
    • For this purpose, select the target location and from the menu select GHI, DNI, and DHI.
    • It will download all the data in .csv format.
  • The optimal tilt angle for PV in London Ontario is 34°

Local electric data[edit | edit source]

FAST Research Facilities[edit | edit source]

TEB 6[edit | edit source]

  • TEB 6 is 1,885 ft^2 = 175 m^2
  • According to fire code the area requirement per person in a School Laboratory is 4.6 m^2/person.
  • 175/4.6 = 38 people
  • Equipment:
    • Fumehood
    • Prusa SL1S Speed (x2)
    • Taz Lulzbot Workhorse (x2)
    • Taz Lulzbot Pro (x2)
    • Taz Lulzbot 6 (x2)
    • Drill Press
    • Modix METER
    • Modix 120Z

TEB 7[edit | edit source]

  • Equipment:
    • Prusa i3 MK3S+ (x3)
    • Prusa i3 MK4
    • Prusa XL

ICFAR[edit | edit source]

The Pearce group has been allotted a lab and outdoor testing facilities of Western Innovation for Renewable Energy (WIRED) at ICFAR. ICFAR shuttle leaves 0845 in the morning from Alumni Hall/TEB and leaves at 0445 in the afternoon from ICFAR.

Western University Capabilities[edit | edit source]

Category Test / Device Details Location / Site / Department Links
Manufacturing & Prototyping University Machine Services Comprehensive machine services Engineering Link
Engineering Student Shop Workshop for engineering students Engineering Link
OS med tech infographic Open-source medical devices infographic Engineering Link
Surface & Material Characterization Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Morphology analysis Surface Science Western Link
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Surface/subsurface elemental composition Surface Science Western Link
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) High-resolution imaging Surface Science Western Link
Contact Angle Surface wettability Surface Science Western Link
Corrosion and Electrochemistry Corrosion testing and electrochemical analysis Surface Science Western Link
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Thermal analysis Surface Science Western Link
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Particle size distribution Surface Science Western Link
Dynamic SIMS (D-SIMS) Depth profiling Surface Science Western Link
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Molecular characterization Surface Science Western Link
Laser Raman Spectroscopy Molecular vibration analysis Surface Science Western Link
Microhardness Testing Hardness measurements Surface Science Western Link
Optical Microscopy Visual analysis Surface Science Western Link
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM/EDX) High-resolution imaging and elemental analysis Surface Science Western Link
Sample Preparation and Processing Facilities Sample preparation services Surface Science Western Link
Surface Profilometry Surface roughness measurement Surface Science Western Link
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Mass change analysis Surface Science Western Link
Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) Surface analysis Surface Science Western Link
Weathering Chambers Environmental simulation Surface Science Western Link
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Surface chemistry analysis Surface Science Western Link
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Crystallographic structure analysis Surface Science Western Link
X-ray Micro Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) 3D imaging Surface Science Western Link
Zeta Potential Measurement Surface charge analysis Surface Science Western Link
Partner Facilities Access to additional facilities Surface Science Western Link
Training and Courses Training and educational courses Surface Science Western Link
Photovoltaic & Material Testing AM1.5 Solar Simulator Solar simulation with variable temperature Physics & Astronomy Link
External Quantum Efficiency (EQE) Quantum efficiency measurement Physics & Astronomy Link
Photocarrier Mobility Measurements Time of Flight (ToF) and Charge Extraction by Linearly Increasing Voltage (p-CELIV) Physics & Astronomy Link
Defect Characterization Electron Spin Resonance under irradiation Physics & Astronomy Link
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Morphology analysis Physics & Astronomy Link
Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPFM) Work function, electron energy levels Physics & Astronomy Link
Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) Super-resolution luminescence and photoconductivity imaging Physics & Astronomy Link
Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Luminescence analysis with various excitations Physics & Astronomy Link
Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy Thermal conductivity in thin-film solar cell materials Physics & Astronomy Link
UV-Vis Spectrometry Transmission, reflection, optical band gap Physics & Astronomy Link
Biotron Characterization Plant Growth Performance Yield, photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, total biomass production, root/leaf/shoot growth, germination, seedling vigor, germination rate Biotron Link
Crop Nutritional Quality Minerals, vitamins, dietary fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, phenolics, total protein, sugars/carbohydrates, total fats/lipids Biotron Link
Bioactive/Functional or Phytomedicinal Composition Flavonoids, phenolic acids, essential amino acids, antioxidants, antioxidant minerals, trace and essential minerals, functional lipids (omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids, medium chain triglycerides, terpenes, galactolipids, FAFA, plasmalogens, etc) Biotron Link
Soil Health/Plant Growth Media Health Active microbial community composition, micro niche, physiological status of media in response to agricultural inputs, metabolic response, greenhouse gas emission Biotron Link
Sensory Analysis of Crop/Food Consumer preference, overall liking, organoleptic quality driving consumer preference (color, aroma, texture, taste, appearance, size, flavor, purchase propensity, consumer preference for packaging, etc.) Biotron Link
Organoleptic Quality of Food/Crop/Fruits Acidity, pH, water activity, texture, total soluble solids/Brix, viscosity, sugar content Biotron Link
Food Metabolomics Nutritional profile, contaminants (e.g., heavy metals, allergens), bioactive compounds, biosensors, biomaterial/biopolymers, lipids. Comprehensive screen of the food composition or biomass to guide innovation/applications or end use. Biotron Link
Develop Green Methods for Food Analysis/Food Innovation Innovation in food analysis methods with a focus on sustainability Biotron Link
Applications of Food Metabolomics Decision support tool to resolve issues with nutrient/food security; development of resilient food systems in various climates and communities Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Lipid Imaging/Lipidomics Development of novel or new methods to assess biological samples/biomaterials Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Comprehensive Lipidome Testing Comprehensive test of the lipidome in biological samples to determine end use and applications Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Lipid Metabolism in Agriculture/Food Production Assessment of agriculture/food production under different climatic conditions, crop management systems, and responses to agricultural inputs/biotic or abiotic stressors Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Lipid Metabolism in Functional and Nootropic Foods Innovation in brain health foods Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Lipid Metabolism in Plant Immunity Study of lipid metabolism in plant immunity Biotron Link
Lipid Bioinformatics: Lipid Metabolism in Brain Health Assessment Validation of functional foods, ingredients, phytonutrients, and phytomedicine in improving brain health using cell or animal models of human disease Biotron Link

Additional Information[edit | edit source]

Fanshawe College Capabilities[edit | edit source]

Category Test / Device Details Location / Site / Department Links
Solar Simulation Atonometrics Solar Simulator Contains 52 – 400 watt metal halide bulbs (full visible light spectrum bulbs), Maximum light output 1200 W/m², Two test planes 2.3 m X 1.3 m each, Does not perform UVA, UVB Fanshawe College
Impact Testing CEAST (Instron) 9350 Impact Test System / Thermal Chamber Maximum energy transfer 1800 J, Maximum speed 24 m/s, Variable mass with the addition of mass plates, Max chamber temp +150°C, Min temp -70°C, Tests: Tensile Impact, puncture, izod, charpy Fanshawe College
Tensile and Compression Testing Instron 5982 Tensile and Compression with Thermal Chamber Maximum tensile strength 100 kN, Maximum compression strength 50 kN, Max chamber temp without grips +600°C, with grips +315°C, Min chamber temp without grips -150°C, with grips -73°C Fanshawe College
Environmental Chambers Tenney Environmental Chamber Internal dimensions 762 mm X 813 mm X 914 mm, Temp range -73°C to +200°C, Humidity range 20% to 95% Fanshawe College
RHCSZ Environmental Chamber Internal dimensions 1372 mm X 1372 mm X 914 mm, Temp range -70°C to +180°C, Humidity range 5% to 95% RH, Stand alone or interfaces with shaker Fanshawe College
Cantrol Walk-in Environmental Chamber Internal dimensions 3.66 m X 3.66 m X 2.44 m (12' x 12' x 8'), Temp range -35°C to +85°C, Humidity range 20% to 95% RH, Floor capacity of 454 kg (1000 lbs) Fanshawe College
Corrosion Testing Ascott Cyclic Salt Corrosion Chamber Capacity of 2000 L (70.6 ft³), Weight capacity of 200 kg, Temp control +20°C to +70°C, Humidity control 50% to 100% RH, 4 atomizing spray nozzles, 4 spray down nozzles, 2 X 100 L brine reservoirs, 1 X 150 L brine reservoir Fanshawe College
Singleton Corrosion Chamber Capacity of 264 L (9.3 ft³), Weight capacity of 50 kg, Temp control ambient to +60°C, Primarily used for ASTM B117 and MIL-STD-810H 509.7 Fanshawe College
Vibration Testing Data Physics Electrodynamic Shaker Capacity 454 kg (1000 lbs), 3 axis (X, Y, Z), Tests: Sine sweep & dwell, random, classic shock, SRS, Multimodal: Sine on random, random on random Fanshawe College
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Raymond EMC Chamber 3 meter chamber, Radiated emissions 10 Hz to 18 GHz, Conducted emissions 10 Hz to 500 MHz, Radiated immunity 80 MHz to 6 GHz @ 10 V/m, ESD up to 25 kV Fanshawe College
Acoustic Testing Eckel Anechoic Acoustic Chamber Dimensions 9.14 m X 7.62 m X 4.27 m (30' X 25' X 14'), Floor Capacity of 21 tons, Background noise level 14 – 20 dB, 100 Hz cut-off, Vehicle exhaust extraction system Fanshawe College
Water Treatment De-Ionized Water Treatment System Produces water with < 5 microsiemens conductivity, Provides water for all chambers' humidity, Provides water for corrosion test systems Fanshawe College
Spectroscopy Spectrometer 200-1036nm Spectral analysis over the range of 200-1036nm Fanshawe College

Open Education Resources[edit | edit source]

  • MIT OpenCourseWare - Free lecture notes, exams, and videos from MIT.
  • OER Commons - A dynamic digital library and network.
  • OpenLearn - Free courses from The Open University.
  • Khan Academy - Free online courses, lessons, and practice.
  • Coursera - Online courses from top universities and companies.
  • edX - Free online courses from Harvard, MIT, and more.
  • Saylor Academy - Free and open online courses and certificates.
  • HippoCampus - Free educational resources for middle school, high school, and college students.
  • OERu - Free online learning from the OERu network.
  • OpenStax - Free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks.
  • Open Education Global - Resources and community for open education.
  • Jorum - Free learning and teaching resources, contributed by UK FE and HE institutions (now closed but resources are still accessible).
  • OER Africa - African initiative for free and open educational resources.
  • Community College Consortium for OER - Promoting the adoption of OER in community colleges.
  • OERu - The Open Educational Resource universitas offering free courses for students worldwide.
  • TED-Ed - Educational videos and lessons by TED.
  • MTU Open Educational Resources

Outreach after Publication[edit | edit source]

Resources for Media Creation[edit | edit source]

Open Media Assets[edit | edit source]


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "FAST methods"

The following 120 pages are in this category, out of 120 total.


Media in category "FAST methods"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.

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