Graphical abstract for Low cost climate station for smart agriculture applications with photovoltaic energy and wireless communication
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Type Paper
Cite as Citation reference for the source document. J.S. Botero-Valencia, M. Mejia-Herrera, Joshua M. Pearce, Low cost climate station for smart agriculture applications with photovoltaic energy and wireless communication, HardwareX, 11, 2022, e00296,doi: Academia OA
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Project data
Type 3D Printing
Authors Joshua M. Pearce
Location London, Ontario, Canada
Status Designed
Years 2022
Made Yes
Replicated No
Uses 3D Printing
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Measuring climatic conditions is a fundamental task for a wide array of scientific and practical fields. Weather variables change depending on position and time, especially in tropical zones without seasons. Additionally, the increasing development of precision or smart agriculture makes it necessary to improve the measurement systems while widely distributing them at the location of crops. For these reasons, in this work, the design, construction and fabrication of an adaptable autonomous solar-powered climatic station with wireless 3G or WiFi communication is presented. The station measures relative humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind speed, and light radiation. In addition, the system monitors the charge state of the main battery and the energy generated by the photovoltaic module to act as a reference cell for solar energy generation capability and agrivoltaic potential in the installation area. The station can be remotely controlled and reconfigured. The collected data from all sensors can be uploaded to the cloud in real-time. This initiative aims at enhancing the development of free and open source hardware that can be used by the agricultural sector and that allows professionals in the area to improve harvest yield and production conditions.

  • Full source Available online:
  • Subject areas: Engineering, Instrumentation, Internet of things
  • Hardware type: Measuring physical properties and in-lab sensors, Field measurements and sensors, Electrical engineering and computer science
  • Open source license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license
  • Cost of hardware: USD 512 (WiFi communication) - USD 565 (3G communication)

Keywords[edit | edit source]

Climate; Internet of Things (IoT); Photovoltaic energy; Wireless communication; Meteorology; Climatic variables; environmental variables; Internet of Things (IoT); low cost; radiation shield; 3-D printing; open hardware; environmental monitoring; sensing; environmental sensing; additive manufacturing; smart agriculture

See also[edit | edit source]

Services provided by agrivoltaics are: renewable electricity generation, decreased green-house gas emissions, reduced climate change, increased crop yield, plant protection from excess solar energy, plant protection from inclement weather such as hail, water conservation, agricultural employment, local food, improved health from pollution reduction increased revenue for farmers, a hedge against inflation, the potential to produce nitrogen fertilizer on farm, on farm production of renewable fuels such as anhydrous ammonia or hydrogen, and electricity for EV charging for on- or off-farm use.
Agrivoltaics Canada - What is Agrivoltaics

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