Graphical abstract for Design of a low-cost mobile multispectral albedometer with geopositioning and absolute orientation
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Type Paper
Cite as Citation reference for the source document. J.S. Botero-Valencia, M. Mejia-Herrera, Joshua M. Pearce, Design of a low-cost mobile multispectral albedometer with geopositioning and absolute orientation, HardwareX, 12, 2022, e00324 doi: Academia OA
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Project data
Type 3D Printing
Authors J.S. Botero-Valencia
M. Mejia-Herrera
Joshua M. Pearce
Location London, Ontario, Canada
Status Designed
Years 2022
Made Yes
Replicated No
Uses 3D Printing
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Albedo is the percentage of radiation that a given surface reflects. Its study is important to evaluate thermal effects in buildings, generation capacity with bifacial panels, among others. In this work, the design and validation of a low-cost mobile albedometer is presented, which measures the reflection in 8 spectral bands in the visible, additionally the system is equipped with a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, to reference its position and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) to know its absolute orientation, make corrections in real time or detect errors. The purpose of designing the mobile device is to measure a larger area and, since it is georeferenced, it is to feed GIS tools that allow designers to use the information.

Keywords[edit | edit source]

Internet of Things (IoT); Meteorology; Climatic variables; environmental variables; low cost; 3-D printing; open hardware; environmental monitoring; sensing; environmental sensing; additive manufacturing; smart agriculture; Absolute orientation; albedometer; geopositioning; multispectral measurement; photovoltaic energy; reflectivity

See also[edit | edit source]

Services provided by agrivoltaics are: renewable electricity generation, decreased green-house gas emissions, reduced climate change, increased crop yield, plant protection from excess solar energy, plant protection from inclement weather such as hail, water conservation, agricultural employment, local food, improved health from pollution reduction increased revenue for farmers, a hedge against inflation, the potential to produce nitrogen fertilizer on farm, on farm production of renewable fuels such as anhydrous ammonia or hydrogen, and electricity for EV charging for on- or off-farm use.
Agrivoltaics Canada - What is Agrivoltaics

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