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Appropedia:Initiatives/Archive/Travel internships

From Appropedia

Appropedia Travel Interns visit organizations and/or communities in a particular region to document their work, as wiki pages on Appropedia.

Many communities and organizations around the world are doing amazing work, and others could learn from what they are doing. However, part of being a community, activist or non-profit organization is tackling enormous tasks with limited resources - meaning they are too busy doing great work to have time to document that work. Appropedia's Travel Internships help to fill this gap.

The community or organization's duties:

  • Provide projects or engagements for our intern to document
  • Provide time to answer some of the intern's questions about what makes your project so impactful
  • Make sure the intern has a safe place to stay and eat (covering food and lodging is optional, but greatly appreciated)

The intern's duties:

  • Document the best projects and engagements of the organization or community
  • Help share the work with others
  • Be a professional and valuable presence

Get involved[edit | edit source]

If your community or organization has a project for us to document, and a place for our intern to stay for the days it will take to document those projects, please contact the Appropedia Foundation at travelintern@appropedia.org

Past Travel Interns[edit | edit source]

Current Travel Interns[edit | edit source]

  • Maybe you.

Applications[edit | edit source]

If you'd like to become a Travel Intern, follow the instructions at Appropedia:Interns#Application, mentioning that you are specifically interested in the Travel Internship.

Recent blog posts by and about our travel interns:

Projects visited and pages made by past travel interns[edit | edit source]

Liz[edit | edit source]

Carrie[edit | edit source]

Justine and Dom[edit | edit source]

Haiti Communitere is a non-profit resource center located in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. They provide a space for organizations and communities to experiment with and learn about appropriate technologies and community development ideas. Below is a list of some of the projects that exist or have existed at Haiti Communitere.

Rancho Mastatal is an environmental learning and sustainable living center located in Mastatal, Costa Rica. Below is a list of some of the projects that exist or have existed at Rancho Mastatal.

See also[edit | edit source]

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