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Appropedia:Initiatives/Archive/Volunteering/Documentation volunteers

From Appropedia

Appropedia Documentation Interns visit organizations and/or communities in their own community, or at a particular location in their own country.

Many communities and organizations around the world are doing awesome work, and others could learn from what they are doing. However, community, activist and non-profit organizations are often too busy doing great work to actually document that work. Appropedia's Documentation Interns (and Travel Interns) help to fill this gap.

The differences between Documentation Interns and Travel Interns are:

  • Documentation Interns are usually in their own country - probably not far from home.
  • Documentation Interns may work with a smaller number of organizations - perhaps only the one organization.

(If your internship doesn't fall neatly into either category, that's fine - these are just descriptions of programs that we offer, and we can adjust the program to suit. Discuss with your mentor.)

Your work[edit | edit source]

Whether you're in Australia, Tanzania, the US, or Vietnam, there are projects in your country, and probably in your city, that are begging to be shared by being written up on Appropedia. Examples of organizations might be green building associations, appropriate technology organizations, Transition Town organizations, permaculture projects, development NGOs and agencies, and government planning or transit bodies. Writing up small independent projects such as a private eco-house is also valuable.

The community or organization's duties:

  • Provide projects or engagements for our intern to document
  • Provide time to answer some of the intern's questions about what makes your project so impactful
  • Make sure the intern has a safe place to stay and eat (covering food and lodging is optional, but greatly appreciated)

The intern's duties:

  • Document the best projects and engagements of the organization or community
  • Help share the work with others
  • Be a professional and valuable presence

Applications[edit | edit source]

If you'd like to become a Documentation Intern, follow the instructions at Appropedia:Interns#Application, mentioning that you are specifically interested in the Documentation Internship.

See also[edit | edit source]

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