User:LucasG/Personal corona wiki
This is just an experiment, but feel free to ADD ___to the talk page only___ as I WILL reverse any other changes because it's complex enough as it is - I hope you understand. Thank you.
I'm using __hashtags__ that I may use in twitter to make collecting links & summaries easier. I would do a search for lucasgonzalez + hashtag. When there's no hashtag, I'll use the higher level's hashtag.
Introduction #wiki[edit | edit source]
- coronavirus SARS-CoV2 / COVID-19
- personal & open wikipage
- @lucasgonzalez / User:LucasG
- started: 8 april 2020
- outline #WIPTV as in
- "Vital" means SCIM, as in & #FluSCIM
"Wisdom" #wisdom[edit | edit source]
This is highly subjective, I realise. Items in lists are not in a particular order. Please skip if you dislike any of it.
- Values (what we value). They can be contradictory: e.g. safety & novelty. They include: Safety, Freedom of movement & choice, Justice, Whole of humanity ...
- Qualities (the muscle for our values). They tend to work better in pairs (e.g. truthfulness & kindness) and maybe even in triplets. They include: Hacker ethics (show me the code, etc), Truthfulness / Kindness, Responsibility for own actions / Demanding rightfully/kindly from others (one word?)...
- Insights & bigger picture: Treat everyone (even yourself) as a volunteer. Treat yourself well enough so you may continue to function. This pandemic is happening "this side of climate change". What world do we want, really? How are we going to do this? If something's not working or debated endlessly, try going back to first principles thinking, and test.
- Lessons learned & Known unknowns: ...
Information #info[edit | edit source]
Science #science[edit | edit source]
- Virus: It's an RNA virus. I think one chain only. ACE receptors but I don't know much about them. I don't know how frequently it mutates or how it disrupts bodily functions, causes symptoms, kills. Soap kills it because it's made of soluble stuff.
- Disease: incubation period? Time until severity? Time until death?
- Diagnosis: diagnostic criteria, testing for illness, testing for immunity, xray & CT scans and suchlike, anosmia...
- Epidemic: How contagious is it? How does contagion happen? What stops it?
- People: How do people behave? How many times do we touch our faces (if that matters)?
- Systems: Services & supplies. Regulation & politics. Beliefs & actions.
Recommendations #recs[edit | edit source]
- websites: WHO, ECDC, CDC, China, etc.
Global situational awareness #sitawaglob[edit | edit source]
- Epidemic: websites, diagnostic criteria.
- Vital services/functions: How many health-care workers affected? Are other vital workers affected (transport, communications, deliveries, etc)?
- Vital supplies
Local situational awareness #sitawaloc[edit | edit source]
- Epidemic: websites, diagnostic criteria.
- Vital services/functions: How many health-care workers affected? Are other vital workers affected (transport, communications, deliveries, etc)?
- Vital supplies
Prevention #prevent[edit | edit source]
Reduce number of respiratory contacts, reduce effectiveness of such contacts in producing contagion, protect the receiver.
Vaccine #vax[edit | edit source]
Prophylaxis: pre/post exposure[edit | edit source]
Treatment as prevention[edit | edit source]
Because treatment reduces # of contagious & their time of contagiousness
Non-pharmaceutical interventions #npi[edit | edit source]
- People
- Case: isolation
- Contacts: quarantine
- Population: lockdown
- Devices (PPE)
- Masks
- Goggles
- Visors
- Helmets
- Gloves
- Hazmat suits
- Boxes: perspex, [Excubator]
Treatment #treat[edit | edit source]
Medication symptomatic[edit | edit source]
- Antiinflamatories
Medication specific[edit | edit source]
- Specific: clinical trials
Antibodies, survivor serum[edit | edit source]
Postural draining[edit | edit source]
- Postural
Ventilator at correct pressure[edit | edit source]
O2 rather than pressure[edit | edit source]
Vital / SCIM #scim #fluscim[edit | edit source]
Individual[edit | edit source]
- Too hot #scimtoohot
- Too cold #scimtoocold
- Hunger: climate analogue #scimhunger
- Thirst #scimthirst
- Illness #scimillness
- Injury #sciminjury
Group #scimgroup[edit | edit source]
- Transport #scimtransport
- Communication #scimcommunication
- Workplace
- Control of resources #scimresources
Organization #scimorg[edit | edit source]
- Shared map #scimmap. That's scim itself. Do it at every jurisdiction level.
- Shared plan #scimplan. Emerges from map. Reinforce, extend, complement, replace, reinvent.
- Shared succession model #scimsuccession. Leadership, specialists, etc.
Nation-state - and beyond[edit | edit source]
OODA #ooda (varied capitalization for emphasis)[edit | edit source]
- What OODA is: observe, orient, decide, act.
- How to use it in this context: before local outbreak, during outbreak, between outbreak, after pandemic.
First steps[edit | edit source]
These are just a few things I'd like to work on. Everyone would put their own first steps in their own copy of this page. Ideally, the global picture would be shared, and other sections would be shared but with private annotations; how to do that, no idea - a project in its own right!
- Test homemade #masks, first principles
- #Excubator family
- SCIM video #scimvid #scim4all
- Emergency permaculture, climate analogues
- Syndromic surveillance #syndsurv and #tests (ill, immune), contact tracing & containment, a citizen manual
- #Homecare for severe cases
- Minimising contact in food delivery
Next steps[edit | edit source]
- Still in #lockdown: reduce impact on people in lockdown (part of "mitigate mitigation")
- Unlockdown: when to do it, how to do it, when to go back to lockdown
- Beyond, but still within the pandemic: possibility of supply crises?
Longer view[edit | edit source]
- Any UN/WHO reforms suggested by this pandemic (or by climate change, for that matter)?
- A SCIM/OODA world?
- Tech needed? Research needed? Agile?
- Money? #UBI, paying really essential people well, scaling production of PPE etc.