About[edit | edit source]

Epidemiology[edit | edit source]

  • MD, PhD, Specialist in Epidemiology in public health.
  • Worked for 28 years in flu surveillance: sentinel network, hospital surveillance.
  • 2005-2009: pandemic planning for a regional government (2 million people).

Resilience[edit | edit source]

Covid pandemic:

Flu pandemics:


  • Ebola, now PandemicOSAT: high-level concepts on how to look at Open Source Appropriate Technology (OSAT) for a pandemic.
  • Excubator: a different type of hazmat suit. Very lateral thinking.


Hexayurt[edit | edit source]

Some scale models:

Helped with some how-tos:

Translated Pais_Hexayurt (Haiti etc).

The FWD[edit | edit source]

Thinking[edit | edit source]

  • User of tools for cooperative and creative thinking (including mindmaps).
  • Taught "thinking tools" to more than 1500 people. To see what I mean please go to https://www.thelearningpartnership.com/edward-de-bonos-thinking-tools and dig into the YouTube channel where there's stuff on hats. Also, http://www.debono.com/six-thinking-hats-summary and http://www.debono.com - see lessons (PMI, OPV, CTF, etc).
  • I thought of SOLE: simple outline editor, GPL; lots of help from Sander of Open Idea Project (Jeff Arch's). SOLE wants to be like Maxthink (only free, multiplatform and multilanguage) when it grows up. Link to maxthink manual which is a gem.
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