See Design Principles for details on technical name choices and Build Score.

Build score is a rough assessment of efficiency of materials, construction ease, and best use of space.

Giant sheet of raw data:


Technical Name H Name Sheets Nickname Build Score # People Sqft Footprint Ø (ft) Walls (ft) Height (ft) Waste Notesss
H1 (Pup Yurt).png
H1 1 Pup yurt 0.01 0.5 10.4 4.17 2 3 No 36"" wide, storage
H2 (Tent).png
H2 2 Solo Tent 0.41 1 32 9 Slope 3.42 No
H3 (Tricone).png
H3 3 Triamid 4.33 1 27.71 9.33 Slope 7.66 No
H3.5 (Septacone).png
H3.5 3.5 Septacone 0.49 1 58.14 9.33 Slope 6.84 Yes
H4 (Quadracone).png
H4 4 Pyramid 9.73 1 64 11.5 Slope 6.93 No
H4 (Octacone).png
H4 4 Octacone 1.11 1 77.25 10.67 Slope 6.38 No
H4 (Little House).png
H4 4 Little house 0.75 1 41.5 8 2 4 No
H4.5 (6ft Yurt).png
H4.5 4.5 6ft yurt 0.29 1 41 8.17 4 6 Yes
H4.5 (Nonacone).png
H4.5 4.5 Nonacone 0.53 1 98.91 11.83 Slope 5.81 Yes
H5 (Vertical Caveman).png
H5 5 Vertical Caveman 2.34 2 64 11.5 Slope 6.92 Yes
H5 (Pentacone).png
H5 5 Pentacone 10.95 2 110.11 13.83 Slope 5.86 No
H5 (Decacone).png
H5 5 Decacone 0.92 2 123.11 13 Slope 5.11 No
H5 (ZigZag).png
H5 5


3.25 2 71 12.17 Slope 5.83 No needs folding test/physical model
H5.5 (Endecacone).png
H5.5 5.5 Endecacone 0.31 2 149.85 14.33 Slope 4.2 Yes
H6 (Danger Ranger Mini).png
H6 6 Danger Ranger Mini 0.43 1 32 9.17 4 7.5 Yes
H6 (Triyurt).png
H6 6 Triamid 4ft Lift 1.7 1 27.71 9.33 4 11.66 No
H6 (Hexacone).png
H6 6 Hexacone 5.62 2 166.28 16.17 Slope 4 No
H6 (Dodecacone).png
H6 6 Dodecacone 0.24 2 179.14 15.5 Slope 2.88 No
H6 (Short Octayurt).png
H6 6 Short Octayurt 0.36 2 77.25 10.67 2 10.38 No
H6 (Quadratent).png
H6 6 Caveman 8.5 2 96 14.5 Slope 6.92 No
H6 (Octatent).png
H6 6 Octatent 1.08 2 115.88 14.33 Slope 6.38 No
H6.5 (6ft Yurt Stretch).png
H6.5 6.5 6ft Classic Stretch 0.46 2 68 12.17 4 6 Yes Some waste to make equilateral vertical door
H7+ (VERTICAL Stretch Caveman).png
H7 7 Vertical Caveman Stretch 4.49 2 96 14.67 Slope 6.92 Yes
H7 (Decatent).png
H7 7 Decatent 0.78 2 172.35 17 Slope 5.11 No
H7 (Sunburst).png
H7 7 Sunburst 3.17 2 64 11.67 4 7.83 No needs folding test/physical model
H8 (Danger Ranger).png
H8 8 Danger Ranger 0.27 2 61 13.83 4 6.83 Yes four 2x4ft waste to lower sloped walls
H8 (Standing Door).png
H8 8 Standing Door 0.98 2 69.3 12.17 4 6 Yes
H7.5 (Septayurt).png
H8 8 Septayurt 0.21 3 58.14 9.33 4 10.84 Yes
H8 (De La Wolfie).png
H8 8 De La Wolfie 0.37 2 90 12.5 4 6.48 Yes complex roof cuts (48x16in triangles), waste. Stretch with ~2.5 sheets, messy split
H8 (Square).png
H8 8 Square 4.92 2 64 11.5 4 10.93 No
H8 (Octayurt).png
H8 8 Octayurt 0.58 4 77.25 10.67 4 10.38 No
H8 (Hexatent).png
H8 8 Hexatent 4.01 3 221.7 20.33 Slope 4 No
H8 (Dodecatent).png
H8 8 Dodecatent 0.19 3 238.85 19.5 Slope 2.88 No
H9 (H8 Lifted).png
H9 9 Lifted H8 5.23 2 69.3 12.17 6 8.08 No
H9 (Short Hexayurt).png
H9 9 Short Hexayurt 5.85 4 166.28 16 2 6 No
H9.75 (Nonayurt).png
H10 10 Nonayurt 0.35 4 98.91 11.83 4 9.81 Yes 2x8 and 4x4 waste
H10 (Decayurt).png
H10 10 Decayurt 0.88 4 123.11 13 4 9.11 No
H10 (Pentayurt).png
H10 10 Pentayurt 8.78 3 110.11 13.83 4 9.86 No
H11.75 (Endecayurt).png
H12 12 Endecayurt 0.49 4 149.85 14.33 4 8.2 Yes 2x8 and 4x4 waste
H12 (Dodecayurt).png
H12 12 Dodecayurt 0.97 4 179.14 15.5 4 6.88 No Sri Lankan Corner
H12 (Hexayurt Classic).png
H12 12 Hexayurt Classic 18.73 4 166.28 16.17 4 8 No
O12 12 OctoYurt ? 4 174.85 16.01 Slope 68.5˚, 74.5˚ 7.445 No Twice the standing room as Classic H12 while only two sheets need cutting rather than 6
H13 (5.5 Yurt).png
H13 13 5.5 Yurt 0.9 2 138 15.17 4 10.58 Yes
H13 (Hexayurt H13).png
H13 13 Classic Door 15.59 4 166.28 16.17 4 8 No Odd trapezoid and triangle above door
H13.5 (4ft Winged Hexacone).png
H13.5 13.5 4ft Winged Hexacone 7.53 4 374.1 24 Slope 6 No
H14 (House).png
H14 14 Big House 20.98 4 166.28 16.17 4 8 No
H14.5 (Quadradome).png
H14.5 14.5


7.1 4 144 17.17 4 10.93 No
H14.5 (Octadome).png
H14.5 14.5 Octadome 1.55 4 170.51 16 4 10.38 No
H15 (10' Hexayurt).png
H15 15 H12 2ft lifted 13.74 4 166.28 16.17 6 10 No
H15 (Walled Hexatent).png
H15 15 H12 4ft Stretch 24.29 4 221 20.33 4 8 No
O15 15 OctoTent ? 4 230.28 19.57 Slope 68.5˚, 74.5˚ 7.445 No 73% more standing room as H15 4ft Stretch while only two sheets need cutting rather than 6
H17 (Clestayurt).png
H17 17 Clestayurt 15.07 4 166.28 16.17 8 12 No trim corners for vertical roof part
H18 (Tall Hexayurt).png
H18 18 H12 Tall 26.23 4 166.28 16.17 8 12 No
H18 (4ft Winged Short Hexayurt).png
H18 18 4ft Winged Short Hexayurt 14.22 6 374.1 24 2 8 No
H18.5 (Dodecadome).png
H18.5 18.5 Dodecadome 1.3 8 314.56 21.33 4 6.88 No
H21 (Tridome).png
H21 21 Tridome 5.79 8 458 25.83 6.08 10 No Roof dome normal, wall half domes at 164 deg
H21.5 (H12 Ext Walls).png
H21.5 21.5 H12 Extended Walls 2.34 8 326 24.17 4 10 Yes
H22 (Tall Hexatent).png
H22 22 H12 4ft Stretch Tall 20.27 6 221 20.33 8 12 No
H22.5 (4ft Winged Hexayurt).png
H22.5 22.5 4ft Winged Hexayurt 35.56 6 374.1 24 4 10 No
H24 (8ft Winged Hexacone).png
H24 24 8ft Winged Hexacone 29.97 6 665.1 32 Slope 8 No
H25 (Tridome 4ft Stretch).png
H25 25 Tridome 4ft Stretch 7.33 10 556 30 6.08 10 No Roof dome normal, wall half domes at 164 deg
H25.5 (H12 Ext Walls Front).png
H25.5 25.5 H12 Extended Walls front 1.17 8 339 24.17 4 10 Yes Mirrored 8x4 Corner cuts, 2x8 waste for door, extra 4x4
H27 (4ft Winged Lifted Hexayurt).png
H27 27 4ft Winged Lifted Hexayurt 18.97 6 374.1 24 6 12 No
H29 (Tridome 8ft Stretch).png
H29 29 Tridome 8ft Stretch 10.57 12 648 33.83 6.08 10 No Roof dome normal, wall half domes at 164 deg
H30 (Quaddome).png
H30 30 Quaddome 5.33 8 448 24 8 11.39 No all domes at 151 deg, domes connect at 169, roof and triangles at 155
H30 (H13 Ext Walls).png
H30 30 H13 Extended Walls 14.64 10 443 29.17 4 12 No
H30 (8ft Winged Short Hexayurt).png
H30 30 8ft Winged Short Hexayurt 11.66 8 665.1 32 2 10 No
H34 (H13 Ext Walls Front).png
H34 34 H13 Extended Walls front 7.98 10 497.5 32.17 4 12 No
H35 (Quaddome 4ft Stretch).png
H35 35 Quaddome 4ft Stretch 7.54 10 544 29.5 8 11.39 No all domes at 151 deg, domes connect at 169, roof and triangles at 155
H36 (H12 Tall Ext Walls Front).png
H36 36 H12 Ext Walls Front Tall 14.57 12 581 32.17 4 12 No
H36 (8ft Winged Dodecayurt).png
H36 36 Extended dodecayurt 6.07 6 716.55 31.25 4 9.75 No
H36 (8ft Winged Hexayurt).png
H36 36 8ft Winged Hexayurt 16.65 8 665.1 32 4 12 No
H37.5 (12ft Winged Hexacone).png
H37.5 37.5 12ft Winged Hexacone 21.95 8 1039.2 40 Slope 10 No
H40 (Quaddome 8ft Stretch).png
H40 40 Quaddome 8ft Stretch 9.93 12 640 33.33 8 11.39 No all domes at 151 deg, domes connect at 169, roof and triangles at 155
H42 (8ft Winged Lifted Hexayurt).png
H42 42 8ft Winged Lifted Hexayurt 13.53 8 665.1 32 6 14 No
H45 (12ft Winged Short Hexayurt).png
H45 45 12ft Winged Short Hexayurt 27.88 10 1039.2 40 2 12 No
H52.5 (12ft Winged Hexayurt).png
H52.5 52.5 12ft Winged Hexayurt 26.13 10 1039.2 40 4 14 No
H54 (16ft Winged Hexacone).png
H54 54 16ft Winged Hexacone 70.03 12 1496.5 48 Slope 12 No
H63 (16ft Winged Short Hexayurt).png
H63 63 16ft Winged Short Hexayurt 44.63 12 1496.5 48 2 14 No
H72 (Hexaplex).png
H72 72 Hexaplex 100 12 1338.14 48.33 4 8 No
H72 (16ft Winged Hexayurt).png
H72 72 16ft Winged Hexayurt 89.26 12 1496.5 48 4 16 No
H114 (Quaddome Stacked).png
H114 114 Stacked Quaddome 5.87 20 1856 57 8 22.78 No
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Authors Xyver
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations Russian, Spanish
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Created November 13, 2023 by Xyver
Modified June 9, 2024 by Anthony Lang
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