Classic H12 Page

Watch the videos[edit | edit source]

The step by step instructions for the classic construction and the semi-folding construction have videos linked in at various steps, which is probably the less confusing way to view.

We don't yet have a perfect start-to-finish video resource. We probably have the footage from which a pretty decent guide could be made, but I have no significant video skills. For example, here's the raw footage from Hexayurt showing us constructing a roof cone.

Raw footage

This is all in the public domain, so perhaps there will be a tutorial video cut from there. I may even take a crack at it myself. In the mean time, I'm going to refer you to the raw footage.

Start with the Roof Cone construction video above (recall that this is for the "classic construction" of a hexayurt, the semi folding yurts don't require this step). It's also better to download and watch full screen than in the little flash video window. It's really complete and very easy to understand. You'll have the principle down in the first five minutes. Unfortunately the camera person had to leave before we put the roof cone on the walls, but that's the easy part.

The rest of the videos are in the Additional Resources section at the end of this page.

  • The above video shows the 4 pieces of the semi-folding yurt, assembled together (at YouTube): [1]
  • How to make the hinges for the accordion-folding walls: [2]
  • How to make the hinges for the accordion-folding roof: [3]
  • Preparation: what to seal with tape before making hinges: [4]
  • finally: a full size Camp Danger hexayurt build: shows hinge taping but not final assembly: [5]
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Authors Xyver
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 1 pages link here
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Created May 15, 2024 by Xyver
Modified June 13, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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