Feedback sections/template

Nice work so far. See below for comments on some sections:

  • Abstract
    • Good abstract
    • Include a picture of the final design to grab readers attention
  • Background
    • Explain where in Arcata is in California
    • Don't use the first person (I,We, Our) etc..
  • Problem statement
    • Possibly add a reference in this section
  • Criteria
    • List criteria in descending order
    • Look over constraints once more for criteria
  • Literature Review
    • Include the references next to the sentences they belong to
    • Make sure to not include images you don't have the rights to
      • If you have the rights, make sure to use a caption to give credit. See Help:Images on how.
  • Construction
    • Very good table maybe add a little more detail
    • Design section should be a subheading section inside the construction section
    • The layers table should be a figure describing each one. The figure used in Literature review should be good
    • add a captions to the drawings of design
  • Timeline
    • Organize table a little cleaner
    • Add some detail to each week and what was done
  • Costs
    • Make sure the decimals and significant figures agree in the cost table
  • Operation
    • Include a table with steps similar to the construction table
  • Maintenance
    • explain in more detail the maintenance required for cleaning roof
  • Schedule
    • This should be a schedule depicted in table
  • Instructions
  • Conclusion
    • Good work so far include these sections completed with the next appropedia upload
  • Testing results
  • Discussion
  • Lessons learned
  • Next steps
  • Troubleshooting
  • Team

  • References
    • Listed correctly, look for some more references
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