I am a chemical engineering undergraduate student at Michigan Technological University and hope to work with new polymers. While attending Kaukauna High School (WI), I carried a challenging work load that showed a love for math and science. At the same time, I became very involved with my school's engineering department. There, I worked with multiple 3D printers and a desktop CNC as well other projects.
Projects and Accomplishments[edit | edit source]
3D Technology[edit | edit source]
High School[edit | edit source]
- Work with 3 Makerbots and a Desktop CNC
- Used Makerware, Replicator G, Thingiverse, and SolidWorks
- Designed and Printed Parts for my Water Quality Project and other Independent Studies
- Sold pieces to help pay for more filament- PLA and ABS
- Designed and Printed Science Lab Materials such as Well Pates- Tested using chemical reactions
- Worked with HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) to print useful parts for those with disabilities
- Started Building a Recyclebot
Michigan Technological University- Pearce Research Group[edit | edit source]
America Makes
- Working with Steel Printer
- Leading project to make customizable, cheap, and accessible farm tools
Water Quality[edit | edit source]
- Became one of the two first Youth Apprentices in Water Quality
- Worked in Water Quality Lab and throughout the Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewage District plant
- Started a water quality submarine with samplers and on board Lab Quest, Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, Temperature Probe, and 3D Printed Parts
Electrathon Cars[edit | edit source]
- Designed and helped make two battery powered cars
- Won 10 Trophies at 3 Events
- Used 3D Printed Parts for gearing and steering
Other[edit | edit source]
- Trained others how to use the 3D Printers and CNC Machine
- Leader at each of my four jobs and in school activities
Interests and Backgrounds[edit | edit source]
Open Source
- Farming
- Music
- Health Field
- Sports
Renewable Energy
Clean Desalination
New Filament Types
Helping Poor in Nicaragua
Image gallery[edit | edit source]
Adam Schmidt driving a RC robot with a quad copter hovering above. Adam Showing the technology and skills that Kaukauna High School possesses.
Kaukauna's projects and one of their 3D printer
Kaukauna's first electrathon car driven by Adam Schmidt
Both of Kaukauna's electrathon cars co-designed and built by Adam Schmidt and Matthew Schmidt