This is list of the pages I created to upload the academic article:

  1. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador
  2. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Introduction
  3. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Theoretical bases of open knowledge and the use of wikis
  4. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/An approach to the definition of open knowledge
  5. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Open licenses and public domain
  6. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/The use of wikis as collaborative platforms
  7. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/The importance of open knowledge and the use of wikis in the promotion of Sustainable Development
  8. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Methodology
  9. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Results and discussion
  10. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Appropedia, the sustainability wiki
  11. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Main findings and lessons learned from documentation processes at Appropedia
  12. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Adequacy, effectiveness and accessibility of the platform
  13. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Outreach and community participation in the documentation process
  14. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Familiarization of development organizations in El Salvador with Appropedia
  15. The open knowledge and the use of wikis in the learning processes of development-promoting organizations in El Salvador/Conclusion
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