Figure 5.- Alternatives to achieve the documentation of learnings by development-promoting organizations in El Salvador. Source: own elaboration based on the information gathered in the interviews.

After having explored some dimensions of analysis that have shaped the systematization and processing of the data already presented, it is essential to ultimately show the results of a fundamental inquiry that has been the object of study throughout the entire research. This inquiry guides the path towards the promotion of open knowledge and the use of wikis as tools for Sustainable Development. Figure 5 shows crucial elements that serve as bridges connecting the interest of organizations in documenting learnings on a platform like Appropedia, thus enabling the exchange of experiences, best practices, findings, and lessons that contribute to the consolidation of an ecosystem composed of more sustainable initiatives for El Salvador.

Getting development-promoting organizations in El Salvador interested in documenting the learnings from their social development projects on Appropedia is a fundamental challenge that can be addressed through the following approaches:

  1. It is imperative to build a comprehensive strategy that identifies the benefits of using this platform for development-promoting organizations in El Salvador. For example, highlighting how individuals oriented towards knowledge management can benefit from having an open repository, which implies lower costs and greater reach for the organization.
  2. The use of open knowledge and wikis, like Appropedia, is a matter of vision. That is, if an organization creates an open repository, it is because it wants the public to read it and, above all, to learn from the shared knowledge. To foster this, it is important to create an innovative space willing to break traditional development paradigms.
  3. Collective support and recognition that an organization gains from knowing it has made a contribution enabling people to access relevant information about their communities is, for the most part, what incentivizes the development ecosystem to document on collaborative platforms like wikis. It is important for development-promoting organizations in El Salvador to foster a culture of mutual learning, choosing which projects they want to document openly and what benefits are generated by sharing information about the main learnings obtained in development initiatives.
  4. By promoting a proactive and strategic approach, with activities like training sessions showing organizations how to use Appropedia, document information, and collaborate on the platform, more organizations can be encouraged to join this global open knowledge community.
  5. The collaboration of donors is also a key factor that should be promoted since these entities play a fundamental role in promoting open knowledge.
  6. Finally, the importance of making learning processes visible in open repositories for communities should not be overlooked. Through open knowledge, people are empowered to own their information without creating merely extractive learning processes.
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