User:Anup Nair
Bio[edit | edit source]
Anup Nair is a graduate student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University with area of concentration in Electrical Power System and Sustainable Technologies. He received Bachelor’s degree in Power System Engineering from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India. Before coming to Michigan Tech, Anup worked as a Project Engineer for a company who had contracts from State Governments to erect and commission several biomass based power plants.
Current courses[edit | edit source]
- EE5490 - Solar Photovoltaic Technology
- EE5223/5224 - Power System Protection/Lab
- EE5240 - Computer Model of Power System
Projects[edit | edit source]
Current[edit | edit source]
- low concentration reflectors (under Dr. Joshua Pearce) –TBD–
- Power System Protection –TBD–
- Computer Modelling (Power System) –TBD–
Completed[edit | edit source]
- Congestion Management by Optimal Placement of Distributed Generation – Compared different methods for obtaining optimal location and size of DG to reduce congestion, obtain uniform LMPs and reduce overall operating costs in an IEEE 14-bus system modelled in PowerWorld Simulator.
- Evaluation and Simulation of Energy Storage for Wind Farms – Modelled a Li-ion battery in MATLAB/Simulink for storing energy from a wind turbine and simulated the charging and discharging operations at different wind speeds and state-of-charge of the battery.
- LCA comparison of Offshore and Onshore Wind Turbines – Performed the life cycle assessment for both types of turbines and studied the environmental impacts for generating 1 kWh of electricity using SimaPro software package, discussing improvements in turbine performance in each stage.
- Design and Control of Excitation System for a Synchronous Generator – Modelled a AVR-PSS feedback loop control, using TACS models, for the excitation system of a synchronous generator in EMTP-ATP to minimize the voltage fluctuations cause by disturbances in a power system.
- Mitigation of Inrush Currents for Power Transformer during Energization – Simulated inrush currents associated with the energization of power transformers, and mitigated its peak value using pre-insertion resistors, controlled switching and combination of both.
Software Packages[edit | edit source]
MATLAB/Simulink, PowerWorld Simulator, EMTP-ATP, GAMS, ASPEN, CYME, MS-Office
Literature Review[edit | edit source]
Optimizing reflector orientation for a solar panel at various latitudes