To encourage the incorporation of more inclusive learning processes in development-promoting organizations in El Salvador, the initial aim was to learn about some experiences of organizations, both nationally and internationally, that have used Appropedia as a resource to make information about various Sustainable Development initiatives visible. The data obtained has allowed for a greater understanding of how these organizations perceive and use the wiki, as shown in figure 2.

Appropedia is considered an essential tool for documenting findings, best practices, and lessons learned from social development projects. This open repository has largely been of great help in the learning processes of organizations because it offers versatility in how the final information of an executed initiative is made visible. This essential feature has allowed not only the creation of a repository of individualized records but also the complete documentation of learning processes that are available to anyone; this enables organizations to meet an innovation requirement, sometimes requested by cooperating entities of the projects to be executed, when sharing the results of their development actions. An example of all the above is the project called 'Profiling of communities and mapping of solutions related to access and use of water in the coastal area of the Department of La Libertad,' in which grassroots solutions were identified in six coastal communities on the topic of access to water quality and livelihoods between May and June 2021. The lessons learned from this project, executed by TECHO El Salvador and the UNDP Accelerator Lab in El Salvador, are available on Appropedia, which served as a space to organize the data collection that resulted from the methodological instruments used. Within the pages dedicated to this project, one can find photographs and even community profiles that were delivered to the studied communities, who expressed great interest in continuing to edit the available information.

In addition to the above, from an educational point of view, Appropedia offers a space for the open distribution of educational resources, benefiting both development organizations seeking to distribute institutional best practices and the communities in general, who can learn about various documentation tools for free, allowing them to present their own findings, which are significant in community development issues. As an example of this, the UNDP Accelerator Lab in El Salvador has made available to the general population the 'Guide for knowledge products and solution mapping' with the aim of strengthening capacities in documenting innovations in Sustainable Development. This open resource is available on Appropedia.

Finally, a challenge identified within adaptive management and expressed by organizations is the difficult access to institutional information regarding previously executed development projects. This presents a challenge because when drafting a new development proposal for a donor and needing to access lessons learned from past projects, this data is often unavailable due to the lack of a repository, meaning one must seek out the person or team directly responsible for carrying out the project. This situation could be resolved if Appropedia were used as an institutional memory to which organization members could access openly and transparently.

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