Sand Battery Technology: A Promising Solution for Renewable Energy Storage[1][edit | edit source]

  • Sand: abundant, inexpensive, available, Non-toxic
  • sand-based electrodes--> store &release energy
  • Use in small-scale residential systems to large-scale grid-level storage
  • Adv:
    • High energy density
    • Long cycle life
    • Cycle stability
    • Safety
    • Potential for renewable energy storage
  • Sand-based electrodes--> potential in Li-ion & supercapacitors
  • Sand-Based Energy Storage Technologies:
    • Thermal energy storage.
    • Mechanical energy storage.
    • Electrochemical energy storage.
  • Required materials:
    • Sand
      • storage medium
      • should have high thermal conductivity
      • low thermal mass
      • withstand high temperatures
    • Thermoelectric Generators
      • Thermal energy in sand to electric energy (discharge: for electricity generation, power industry, space heating)
      • selection: phase-change temperature & energy storage capacity.
    • Electrodes/Heating Coil
      • Transfer thermal energy between sand & the thermoelectric generator
      • graphite or metal foils
    • Insulation
      • Reduce heat loss in charge & discharge
      • Improves efficiency
    • Heat Source:
      • charge the battery & heat the sand
      • Can be solar/ waste heat from industry/ renewable / nonrenewable thermal energy
    • Container
      • Holds everything
      • withstand high temperatures & thermal stresses.
  • Design-->based on amount of required thermal energy & storage duration
  • Energy generation & storage:
    • wind / solar --> electricity
    • 30%-->immediately power local infrastructure
    • 70%-->store in sand battery & heat to 600-1000°C
    • weaker solar--> use the stored energy
  • Charge:
    • Heat to sand--> increase temp --> until treshold-->full energy
    • sand type & heat source--> different charge time
  • Discharge:
    • sand--> expose to a heat sink or device that extracts the heat
    • sand temp drop-->energy release as heat
    • Sand type & heat sink temp-->different discharge time
  • Sand-battery type:
    • Indirect Heat-Storing:
      • heat transfer fluid (transfer heat to & from the sand)
      • higher temp operation
      • large physical footprint
    • Direct Heat-Storing
      • Direct contact with heat source & heat sink
      • lower temperatures operation
      • compact
    • Thermochemical Heat-Storing
      • chemical reaction
      • store more energy
      • longer charge & discharg time
    • Hybrid Heat-Storing
    • Combine of direct & indirect
    • higher energy density
    • faster charge & discharge
  • Application
    • Renewable Storage
    • Heat & Cool
    • Emergency Backup Power
  • Challenges
    • Efficiency --> depends on material/ design/ operating condition
    • operating temp
    • scale up

Sand Battery: An Innovative Solution for Renewable Energy Storage (A Review)[2][edit | edit source]

  • UAE --> aims to use 7% of its energy from renewable sources (specifically solar)--> but challenging -->UAE deserts sand
  • Sand composotion: silicon dioxide
  • Subzero temp areas -->sand-bed-based solar heat/thermal storing promissing
  • Dry sand-based TE--> High temp and high energy --> can be used in infrustructure of facilities like car parks
  • Obtainable Materials: sand and rocks
  • Installedcyclical storage structures: Germany, Canada, Turkey, Korea, the Netherlands, the United States, Finland, France, and Switzerland
  • Sand: store up to 1000 °C, zero mass loss, reduced ownership and maintenance costs, improved and stable energy exchange rates
  • sand medium: in a single basin solar--> increases the yearly mean of daily output by 23.8% (compared to no sand), hold the thermal energy for extended time, can be used during winter (when no solar available)
  • Principle:
    • 30% of the renewable used, 70% stored in sand --> increase temp to 600-1000
  • Component of battery:
    • steel casing--> sand & heat transmission piping
    • External--> mechanical mechanisms, regulators, heat exchangers, fan
  • Operation:
    • Charge
    • Storage
    • Discharge
  • Mechanism:
    • Circulating hot air around sand --> Renewables control a resistance electric heater to increase the temp of the air near sand
    • heat exchange tubing by a fan
    • Dense insulation --> cover --> maintain temp
    • Discharge: blow cool air--> heats up --> can steam water
  • Disadv:
    • Limited Temperature Range (300-1000)
    • Slow Charge
    • Low Power Density
    • Land Use
    • Transportation
  • Recent:
    • optimize particle size & distribution
  • Application
    • grid-level storage
    • portable devices
    • off-grid power systems
    • industrial heating
    • building heating
    • district heating
    • agriculture
    • mining systems

Uses of sands in solar thermal technologies[3][edit | edit source]

  • rock or mineral particles-->silica (quartz), feldspar, carbonates, micas, amphiboles, pyroxenes--> 0.06 to 2 mm in diameter
  • 6% of land surface area (6% of the Earth land surface area in different regions)
    • 2% North America
    • over 30% Australia
    • more than 45% Central Asia
  • $11 and $58 per metric ton
  • specific heat capacities: between 700 and 1000 J/kg◦C
  • Thermal conductivity depends on porosity, granularity, moisture content, & mineralogy
    • less porous-->higher thermal conductivity
    • Smaller particles--> less thermal conductivity
    • saturated with water --> higher thermal conductivities
    • Quartz thermal conductivity: 7.7 W/m.K
    • other sand constituents thermal conductivities: from 2.5 to 3.6 W/m.K
  • non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-flammable
  • Sand in solar
    • Thermal Energy Storage
    • Solar Absorption
    • Heat Transfer
    • heat insulationsuitable
    • large surface area --> water evaporation as evaporative medium
  • Solar Distillation
    • solar radiation --> obtain fresh water from impure water
    • Limitation: low yield during the day and none at night
    • with sand
      • fill the area beneath the basin liner, the basin itself /using containers like metallic boxes, cotton bags, or mud pots
      • maintain higher temperatures
      • increase the evaporative surface area through capillary action
      • fine, uniform sand better, black better, min thickness better, no water height above
  • Solar heating
    • Solar thermal collectors + thermal energy storage media
    • High quartz content, low porosity, & high moisture content
    • Dry sand with low quartz content
  • Tank thermal energy storage
    • Water: high specific heat capacity but Heat Loss --> Surrounding tanks with sands of low thermal conductivity; Sandy soil: lower heat capacity & thermal conductivity--> less heat loss from tanks compared to granite soil
    • Require
      • Low specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity
      • Dry
      • sufficient depth
  • Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES)
    • contain porous and permeable sand layers
    • hot water in summer--> inject to the aquifer-->heat the soil and existed water--> extract the heat in winter, e.g. 72% recovery in Gassum Formation in Denmark
    • Require
      • High heat capacity and thermal conductivity
      • High porosity and permeability
  • Borehole Thermal Energy Storage (BTES)
    • heat to ground by U-pipe heat exchangers in summer-->extract in winter
    • high quartz low porosity sand --> good over bentonite or gravel
    • 50% more heat for a 50% longer duration compared to gravel --> 78% efficiency
    • Belgium: yearly storage efficiency 70%
    • Require
      • high thermal conductivity and heat storage capacity
  • Packed-Bed Thermal Energy Storage
    • use packed-bed sand in insulated pits
    • 64% to 91% savings
    • 65–75% of domestic hot water needs
    • Finland
    • Sand --> filled in containers or pits, heat transfer fluid flow through the bed--> Heat transfer in low demand (summer) & extract in high demand
    • Require
      • high thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
  • Solar Greenhouse Enhancement
    • thermal storage walls (Trombe walls) --> increase air and soil temperatures in greenhouses
    • made of: blackened surface (absorbs solar radiation, transferring heat to the sand), sand, and insulation
    • greenhouses with sand thermal storage walls
      • daytime air temp--> rise by 6.4°C above ambient, nighttime temp--> rise by 1.1°C
      • Soil temp-->depth of up to 8 cm--> rise by 6.4°C during the day and by 4°C at night
      • earlier flowering (by 14 days), earlier maturities (by 20 days), and higher yields (by 33.4%)
  • Solar Dryers
    • solar radiation --> dry agricultural or food products
    • quartz, sand, gravel, soil minerals, sandstone, rocks, limestone, granite stone, soil, clay, waste concrete, fire bricks, and water
    • sand:
      • in drying chamber and the solar air heater--> reduce drying time & prevent the re-absorption of moisture at night
      • increase the absorber surface area & roughness
      • black-painted fine sand & high specific heat capacity & thermal conductivity
  • Solar cooking
  • Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
    • run a power block
  • Which sand?
    • Impurities in quartz (should be below 2%) --> less energy density
    • Clays, carbonates, and feldspars--> agglomeration, degradation / reduced specific heat capacity
      • Clays --> higher agglomeration at 600°C
      • Carbonates --> decarbonization below 800°C--> mass loss & altered grain-size distribution
      • Feldspars --> vitrify below 1200°C-->agglomeration --> impact on sand movement.
    • Moderate cooling rates ~ 573°C required
    • Below 1200°C --> quartz to cristobalite --> grain crack
  • Solar gasification
    • gasification: carbonaceous materials (like cokes, coal, biomass) --> fuels or chemicals
    • Conventional methods: burning some of these raw materials --> heat generation for gasification --> loss of material & CO2 emission
    • solar--> heat the material (no need to burn materials)----> quarts: receive, transfer & store heat & is inert (no reaction with materials) --> higher fuel quality & less carbon emission
    • mix the carbonaceous materials with quartz --> solar is absorbs and transfers heat by sand --> raise temp (1100) --> thermal decomposition of carbonaceous materials --> syngas (synthetic gas) production
    • require:
      • High specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity
    • Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage
      • Conventional: Excess electricity compresses air --> stored in underground--> natural gas required for reheat when required
      • in sand: heat generated during compression --> store --> reheat compressed air when required by sand
        • Charge: Hot air--> through heat exchanger --> sand flow in apposite direction --> sand warm, compressed air cold
        • Discharge: cold compressed air--> through heat exchanger --> hot sand raise air temp
        • electric cycle efficiency 69%
        • High thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
  • Solar Photovoltaic/Thermal Panels
    • PV-->small fraction of radiation to electricity --> excess to heat --> damage
    • can be store in sand --> Cools down Pannels & prevent overheat
    • e.g: desert sand and phase change materials (e.g., n-octacosane) --> Desert sand better heat transfer
    • most suitable: high thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
  • Solar ponds:
    • application:
      • Industrial Process Heat
      • Desalination
      • Space Heating
      • Power Generation
      • Greenhouse Heating
      • Salt Production
    • Upper zone: low-salinity water--> insulator
    • middle zone (Non-Convective Zone or Halocline) --> gradient of increasing salinity as depth increases --> density gradient--> convection currents prevention from forming -->traps heat in the lower layer
    • Lower zone: high-salinity water-->Stores solar heat--> temp up to 85°C (185°F) or higher
    • encasing sand in bottom and aournd lower layer --> reduce heat losses ( 69%) & store TE
    • high thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity sand
  • Solar-Powered Refrigerators:
    • two metal cylinders --> sand-filled space between saturated with water
    • solar --> power evaporation for cooling --> effective, accessible, sustainable
  • Recommendation for research gaps:
  • Coatings for Quartz Sand--> improve absorption, high mechanical wear & high temperatures up to 1000°C
    Relationship between the PCM solid fraction and the solar irradiance[4]

Comparative CFD analysis of thermal energy storage materials in photovoltaic/thermal panels[5][edit | edit source]

  • Desert sand (abundant, resistant to agglomeration, withstand high temperature) & silicon carbide --> enhanced heat transfer
  • This study: copper pipe containing a water stream in a rectangular phase change material (PCM) exposed to solar, Additional absorber Layer
  • under varying solar irradiance levels (ranging from 150 to 1,200 W/m2)
  • desert sand: temperature of the liquid at the outlet boundary and the maximum temperature of the TES matrix are closer --> better heat transfer
  • Relationship between the PCM solid fraction and the solar irradiance:
  • Desert sand retains heat -->4,500 seconds after heat flux switched off
  • n-octacosane retains for longer periods-->store and release heat over an extended period--> better for when heat release overnight required

Cost-effective Electro-Thermal Energy Storage to balance small scale renewable energy systems[6][edit | edit source]

  • Assumes 100% conversion of electricity to heat
  • quantity of electricity (P) needed to charge the energy storage: P=mCp​ΔT​/t
    • m: mass of the thermal storage material
    • Cp​: average specific heat capacity
    • ΔT: temperature difference during charging
    • t: time taken
  • Thermal to electric = ηth*efficiency (efficiency in sand~85%)
  • Heat rate = Power output /Thermal to electric efficiency
  • Time for temperature decrease = Energy stored/ Heat rate
Summary comparison between different thermal storage materials for the new electric grid energy storage system. The efficiency is measured by (discharging/ charging *100)
Materials (1.5 mᶟ) Tmin (◦C) Tmax (◦C) Charging (kWh) Discharging (kWh) Efficiency
Thermal Oil 180 410 192 84 44%
Molten Salt 200 500 372 118 32%
Sand 180 950 424 360 85%
The cost estimate of the ETES system with sand as the thermal storage material
System/material selection Quantity of storage material(kg) Unit price Total capacity Base load capacity Price in ($) Systemcomponents cost $ Total

designcost $

Storage cost $/kWh
ETES/Sand 2446 kg 0.25 $/kg 359 kWh 88 kWh 672 24142 24814 69

Performance evaluation of a sand energy storage unit using response surface methodology[7][edit | edit source]

  • Annual energy consumption: ~624,430 TWh
  • Carbon footprint from fossil fuels: 36.7 billion ton
  • Renewable energy demand in 2019: 6890.7 TWh
  • Expected increase by 2,493 TWh between 2022 and 2025
  • Types of TES Systems:
    • Sensible Heat Storage: Simple and cost-effective.
    • Latent Heat Storage: phase change materials.
    • Thermoelectrical Storage: conversion between thermal and electrical energy
    • Storage media:
      • rocks, water, oil, salt
      • Salt: Must be below 600°C
      • Concrete Bricks: daytime, under 500°C, Temperature changes during discharge--> cycle effectiveness reduction
      • SAND:
        • High Thermal Capacity
        • High Thermal Conductivity
        • cost-effective
        • Long-Term Stability
        • Non-Toxic and Environmentally Friendly
        • High-Temperature
        • Optimum size for heat transfer 2–3 mm (larger: heat transfer effectiveness reduction, smaller: Increase in pressure drop-->larger heat exchanger volume)
  • This Research:
    • helical coil made of copper inserted inside a cylindrical tank
    • Hot inlet fluid --> into the coil at temperatures up to 200°C
    • Thermal Conductivity Measurement: KD2 Pro Decagon device with a TR1 single needle sensor type at 25°C
    • Specific Heat Capacity Measurement: DSC-25, temperature range 25–200°C
    • Specific Gravity Measurement: 1 kg of desert and beach sand, dried to constant mass (at 110 ± 5 ◦C) then add 6% moisture--> dry for 15-19 h.
  • Experimental results:
    • XRF
      • Desert sand:13 elements, calcium 60.96%.
      • Beach sand: 11 elements, calcium 86.9%.
    • specific heat capacity
      • increase with temperature
      • Cp for desert-->higher
      • dehydration of calcium hydroxide formed after heat treatment at 200°C
    • Density
      • Beach sand: denser
    • scenario for simulation:
      • Hot oil--> at 100°C & 0.01 m/s velocity--> heat transfer to 25°C sand, oil temperature decrease--> sand temperature and stored energy increase
      • oil temp change --> increase sand temp and stored thermal energy
      • oil velocity and coil turns increase--> stored energy increase
      • total stored energy per kg of sand-->6.348 kJ/kg after an 8h charging .
      • pressure drop -->71.4 Pa
      • desert sand Thermal conductivity -->higher than beach sand by 1.77%
      • Thermal resistivity of beach sand -->29.3% higher compared to desert sand

Improved effective thermal conductivity of sand bed in thermal energy storage systems[8][edit | edit source]

  • Introduction:
    • TES--> substitute for lithium-ion batteries in stationary electric-grid storage
    • Sand--> high thermal tolerance (melting point around 1700°C)
    • wide temp range-->Enhanced Carnot cycle efficiencies
    • sand High specific heat capacity --> high energy density BUT granular form & point contact between grains -->low thermal conductivity
    • Coating of quartz sand --> improve solar absorption & thermal stability & enhancing energy storage efficiency by 60% to 80% compared to raw sand
    • thermal conductivity of bentonite sand--> increase by add granite powder
    • common methods-->Direct solar heating and heating by fluidisation (Circulating heat transfer fluids through heat exchangers in sand-packed beds)
    • Mixing different heat storage materials--> improve storage properties
    • Waste material streams-->economical materials option
      • cut metal scrap from Metal workshops --> circular economy
  • This research:
    • Rectangular aluminium container (height 380 mm, length 230 mm, width 380 mm) --> investigate thermal properties of sand bed
    • Two tubular-type resistance heaters (height 298 mm, width 309 mm, diameter 50 mm)--> 95 mm apart in the center of the box--> 2 kW On/Off control box & temp regulation up to 1000 °C
    • K-type thermocouples --> between heaters (45 ±0.7 mm from each heater) and 30 mm away from heaters
    • Sand bed -->exposed to air (T below 26 °C) without insulation
    • Combination of sand and metallic by-products (enhance thermal conductivity)
      • Brown Silica: silica (SiO2), grain size 0.06 to 0.2 mm, melting point 1713 °C, specific heat capacity 703 J/(kg⋅K), thermal conductivity 0.2 to 0.7 W/(m⋅K), bulk density 1800 kg/m3
      • aluminium:15 to 20 mm long, 0.5 mm thick, 1.5 mm wide, melting point 660 °C, specific heat 897 J/(kg⋅K), thermal conductivity 205 W/(m⋅K), density 2712 kg/m3
      • brass:diameter 0.25 mm, length 4.5 mm, melting temperatures 900 to 940 °C, specific heat 380 J/(kg⋅K), thermal conductivity 113 W/(m⋅K), density 8430 to 8730 kg/m3
      • mixed metal chips: 90% steel, 10% aluminium/ length 10-15 mm, thickness 0.5 mm, breadth 1.5 mm/ Tm: 1370-1540 °C/ specific heat 490 J/(kg⋅K)/ thermal conductivity 50-70 W/(m⋅K) (varies by alloy)/ density: 7850 kg/m³
    • T4: between wall and electric heater/ T3: between two electric heaters
    • surface temperature reaches 500 °C within 30 min
    • T4: heat faster than T3 in first 75 min (17.5 mm closer to heat source) & temperature constant at 350 °C after 3 h & rapid temperature decline outside heating elements
    • T3: hotter than T4 after 80 min, equals surface temperature of heaters after 7 h & less rapid heat loss to environment & heat trap/ low thermal conductivity, high heat capacity of sand --> Terminal lag in T3
    • Sand conductivity: 0.114 W/(m⋅K)
    • Simulated charging time: five hours
    • Brass-sand layer: highest effective thermal conductivity/ higher density and less porous structure--> lower thermal conductivity than aluminium
    • Aluminium chips:
      • More effective in uniform mixture: high thermal conductivity
      • 20% aluminium: heat rate 1.7 times of pure sand & increases stable T4 temperature --> higher effective thermal conductivity
      • 10% and 5% aluminium heat rates 1.36 times and 1.18 times of pure sand
      • Higher aluminium:increased percolation & more interconnections --> facilitate heat transfer
      • Lower chip concentrations: isolation of chips, fewer conductive paths, & lower thermal conductivity
      • enhances overall temperature gradient of sand bed
    • mix-metal chips--> lower performance: higher steel content (lower thermal conductivity)
    • temperature outside thermocouples: metal composite--> Higher temperature than pure sand
    • Metallic chips: easy heat travel--> more storage
    • Commercial scrap metal prices in Finland--> Aluminium: 0.7 & Brass: 3.1 & Stainless steel: 0.7

From waste to value: Utilising waste foundry sand in thermal energy storage as a matrix material in composites[9][edit | edit source]

  • Introduction:
    • Waste foundry sand (WFS) by-product of metal casting processes
    • WFS characteristics: ceramic composition, density, particle size (0.15 mm < D < 0.6 mm), specific surface area
    • WFS recycling pathway: key material for composite phase change materials to capture, store, reuse waste heat
  • This research:
    • Materials:
      • NaNO3, natural materials including clay, fully recyclable, Bentonite in sodium form, waste foundry sand (CPCM matrix material, predominant component: SiO2 at 87.91%, secondary components: Al2O3 at 4.7%, Fe2O3 at 0.94%), Additive X (?)
    • Fabrication:
      • Comminution with mortar and pestle (85–95% between 0.6 mm and 0.15 mm uniform grain size distribution)
      • Hand-stirring mixture
      • Shaping into 13 mm pellets under 60 MPa pressure for 2 min
      • Sintering at 400 °C, 5 °C/min in high-temp
      • Cooling to room tempe for shape-stable structure
    • Poor cohesion at 70–30 (WFS-salt) mass ratio -->instability
    • Additive X (?):
      • Thixotropic properties form gel-like matrix with water--> improving WFS particle binding
      • Increases CPCM resistance to stresses during phase change process
    • Tests:
      • Sand grain density: Helium-based pycnometer, 2.51 ± 0.06 g/cm³
      • Bulk density: Mass and volume (dimensions) of individual pellets, Porosity deduced from density ratio
      • Latent heat, melting point, specific heat capacity: DSC: Temperature range: 20 to 400 °C, ramping speed: 10 °C/min, Aluminum crucibles, ambient air environment, gas flow rate: 100 ml/min, sapphire method for specific heat
      • Thermal conductivity and diffusivity: Laser Flash Technique, Level sample surfaces, graphite spray coatingAirflow setting: 100 ml/min, Thermal conductivity formula: λ = a(T)ρ(T)Cp(T)
      • TGA: Sample weight: ~10 mg, platinum crucible, Temperature range: 25 to 500 °C, heating rate: 10 °C/min, ambient air
      • Microstructure and pore size distribution: X-ray nano-CT, Cylindrical samples: φ 2 × 15 mm, Voltage: 95 kV, current: 150 μA, pixel resolution: 9.5 μm, Projection images at 0.1° intervals, 180° rotation, Data analysis: Recon software, CTan software
      • Coefficient of thermal expansion: Optical dilatometer, Cylindrical samples: ~13 mm diameter, Heating: ambient temperature to 500 °C, rate: 5 K/min, air environment
      • Compressive strength
      • Thermal cycling protocol: Temperature increase to 400 °C, hold for 30 minutes, Temperature decrease to 270 °C, hold for 10 minutes,Total of 48 cycles, Structural resilience and thermal efficacy assessment of WFS-salt CPCMs
      • ..... (discussion)
      • Energy storage density: 628 ± 27 kJ/kg for Na60, 567 ± 43 kJ/kg for Na55
      • Average thermal conductivity: 24% higher for Na60 (1.38 W/mK) than Na55 (1.08 W/mK), due to higher porosity of Na55
      • Compressive strength: 141 MPa for Na60, 105 MPa for Na55, influenced by porosity and pore size
      • Larger porosity beneficial for CTE of CPCM

Heat Storing Sand Battery[10][edit | edit source]

  • Desert sand can store thermal energy up to 1000 ℃
  • 400 ℃ higher than molten salt
  • Molten salt:
    • maintenance to avoid plugging
    • External heat needed to maintain temp above 260 °C
    • 28,000 tons --> for 7.5 hours of storage
    • 25.2 million dollars for storage medium
  • This research:
    • Electric heater chosen as heat input
    • Heat by heater -->to heat exchanger through Heat Transfer Fluid (oil)
    • Oil -->in an oil tank, pumped through pipes to heat exchanger
    • Temp sensors--> monitor sand temp change
    • Charging: Sand heated to desired temperature (150 °C)
    • Storing: sand thermal energy retention over time
    • Discharging:
      • Cold oil -->through pipes to absorb sand heat
      • Thermoelectric generator--> thermal energy to electrical energy

What Is a ‘Sand Battery’?[11][edit | edit source]

  • First commercial sand battery: In Kankaanpää, Western Finland (max temp:600 ℃, can be higher though)--> integrated into a district heating network operated by Vatajankoski (Green energy supplier)
    • In residential and commercial buildings (homes & swimming pool)
  • Structure:
    • Insulated silo of steel housing filled with sand & heat transfer pipes.
    • Automation components, valves, a fan, & heat exchanger or steam generator.
  • Heating:
    • Electricity from the grid or local production from wind and solar.
    • Charged during periods of clean and cheap electricity availability.
    • Electrical energy -->heat air with electrical resistors --> via a closed-loop air-pipe--> circulate it through heat transfer piping--> to heat storage
  • Extraction:
    • Blowing cool air through pipes--> heat up
    • used to convert water into process steam / heat district heating water in an air-to-water heat exchanger.
  • Stay hot for months, typically charged and discharged in 2-week cycles
  • Best range of use when charged and discharged 20 to 200 times per year
  • In "Polar night energy":
    • 600 °C, 10GWh, 100MW
    • 36% of industrial heating demand can be provided by sand battery (now is relying on oil and gas)
    • can save 100 Mt/year carbon mono oxide in 2030
    • can supply power for about 10,000 people
  • 30% of solar/wind--> direct use, 70% stored as heat, less than 10% need for external energy for the whole year

Climate change: 'Sand battery' could solve green energy's big problem[12][edit | edit source]

  • Finland long border with Russia and halted gas and electricity supplies due to Finland joining NATO -->Concerns over heat and light sources during long, cold winters
  • World first fully working sand batteryinstalled by Finnish researchers-->developed by "Polar Night Energy"
  • power plant in western Finland --> 100 tonnes of sand inside a grey silo
  • Difficulty in efficiently converting stored heat back to electricity.

Sand Battery For Thermal Storage[13][edit | edit source]

  • Batsand: Thermal battery with heating generator and sand vessel.
  • bring hot and fresh sand directly to the home
  • Charge (with solar panels) in summer--> heating / cooling when needed
  • potential to return investment in 4-6 years
  • combine with solar panel --> Can disconnect from grid
    • Rated Power: 1:14 KW, 2: 25KW
    • Battery Capacity: 1: 12000 KWH, 2: 21000 KWH
    • Suitable Home Size: 1: 300-600 m², 2: 500-1200
    • Size: 1: 140 cm x 72 cm x 55 cm, 2: 185 cm x 85 cm x 72 cm
    • Weight: 1: 142 Kgs, 2: 174 Kgs

How a Sand Battery Could Revolutionize Home Energy Storage[14][edit | edit source]

  • University of Michgan: 30% of total US residential enery use--> dedicated to heating (water heating:13%)
  • US Lawrance Berkeley National Laboratory: 1/5 of energy produced in US--> building thermal load
  • DraKE landing solar community-->2012: 96%, 2015, 2016: 100% of their yearly heating from solar
  • TES: good round trip efficiency (RTE) rates (% of electricity into storage)--> 100% RTE: every stored energy can be used; thermodynamically impossible
  • lead acid:70%, Li ion: 90%
  • sand: low specific heat, high density: large storage of thermal, no chemical reactions: no maintanace, above boiling water
  • heat sand with solar-->move to home with air
  • challenge: size--> Batsand ($7700-increase to $19000 with installation, store energy at 92% efficiency with 94% RTE) is in small size (40m^3), under ground-->300-400 m^2 building, 10680 kW/h with +30 kW solar
  • Newton Energy Solution (NES) ($5300-6400, 95% RTE)--> between TES & water heater & buffer tank--> water heater already a TES (but can't turn heat to electricity) water volume of 590 mm x 1650 mm (214 L)--> 20 kWh (can heat 600 L tap water to 40 °C &, 320 L--> 29 kWh
  • the efficiency drop to 50-70% when heat to electricity

DIY Sand battery HEATER. Over 599f simple to make[15][edit | edit source]

  • Equipment:
    • 30 L steel tub
    • water heating element--> 300W 12v
    • hardware sore sand (play sand)--> 5-8 kg
    • ventiliser is required
    • watt meter
  • Method:
    • Fill half way
    • put element in center
    • connect the w meter to the element wire
  • in 40 min--> 179°C, in 50 min--> 290 °C

Sand Energy Storage System for Water Heater[edit | edit source]

  • Demand for new and effective storage materials.
  • Use of sand, abundant in Jordan, as a storage material.
  • Silica sand predominant in southern Jordan, comprising 95.5% to 98.31% SiO2
  • Specific heat capacity of silica sand: average 830 J/kg°C
  • Energy stored proportional to temperature rise, specific heat capacity, and mass of medium.
  • Solar Radiation in Jordan:
    • Yearly average: 2080 kWh/m2.
    • More than 300 sunny days annually.
    • Average daily radiation: 5.7 kWh/m2, with 8 hours of sun.
    • June and July have highest sun hours (almost 12 hours) and radiation values (8.2 kWh/m2).
    • December and January --> least sun activity ( 5 hours/day) and lowest daily radiation (2.9 kWh/m2).
    • Optimizing inclination angle between 10° and 60° increases yearly radiation to 2419 kWh/m2.
    • Most economical and effective inclination angle for PV system installation in Jordan: 30°.
    • Yearly radiation at this angle: 2330 kWh/m2.
  • Jordan Weather:
    • Hottest month: July (average temperature 25°C/77°F).
    • Coldest month: January (average temperature 8°C/46°F).
    • Temperature fluctuation parameters: between 31°C and 4°C throughout the year.
    • Rare cases of extreme temperatures: up to 43°C and as low as -10°C in different regions of Jordan.
    • Energy storage design for night use as water heating source.
    • Standard hot water temperature: 70°C.
    • Average hot water use per person in Jordan: 40 liters/day.
    • Average household size in Jordan: 5 people.
    • Total water to heat: 200 liters (rounded to 240 liters).
    • Water mass: 240 kg.
    • Specific heat of water: 4.186 kJ/kg°C.
    • Required temperature: 80°C (including error).
    • Min temperature in January: 5°C.
    • Temperature difference (∆T): 75°C.
    • Energy required (Q):
      • Q=m×Cp​×ΔT=240kg×4.186kJ/kg°C×75°C=75,348kJ
    • Least sun hours per day in December: 5 hours.
    • Least average solar radiation per day in December: 2.9 kWh/m².
    • Energy demand: 75,500 kJ --> 20.98 kWh.
  • Silica sand
    • Thermal conductivity: 0.33 W/m°C.
    • Average thermal heat capacity: 0.83 kJ/kg°C
    • ∆T: 75°C
    • m=Q/Cp​×ΔT​-->m=1,213kg.
    • Density of silica: 1,522 kg/m³ --> V= 1 m3
  • System Design
    • Storage tank
    • Heat exchanger
      • D= 60 cm & H= 0.9 m
      • inlet top, outlet bottom

Solar Power Calculator for London, Ontario, Canada[16][edit | edit source]

  • yearly avg of solar radiation in London Ontario: 1547.32 kWh/m2
  • avg daily radiation: 4.232 kWh/m2
  • Months of highest sunny days: June 9.6h & 6.08 kWh/m2, July 10.1h & 6.11 kWh/m2
  • Least sun activity: Jan 2.3h & 1.97 kWh/m2, Dec 2.7h & 1.67 kWh/m2

Climate and monthly weather forecast, London, Canada[17][edit | edit source]

  • Avg temp in hottest month: 25.5
  • Avg temp in coldest month: -8.2
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Authors Maryam Mottaghi
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations French
Related 1 subpages, 1 pages link here
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Created May 14, 2024 by Maryam Mottaghi
Modified June 3, 2024 by StandardWikitext bot