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Authors Alberto Jasso
Baron Creager
Brandon Giordano
Luke Haloen
Status Deployed
Years 2011
Made Yes
Replicated No
Cost USD 208.43
OKH Manifest Download

The following is a brief overview of the steps the create your own Pump'n Power generator. Given the complexity of the design for this project, the finer details of the project are left to the builder to specify. Such details include the placement of supports, placement of the generator mounting point and plate, length of the pump lever, and method of attachment at each point.

Frame[edit | edit source]

To build the frame you will need two bicycles. At least one should have functionally rotating pedals, wheels, and crank at the bottom bracket. The other bicycle need only contain a frame and handlebars; it will be referred to as the "scrap bicycle" and used as framing material. For the frame, most of the support pieces are welded to the main frame. The rear support is mounted to the rear axle position thereby two rear bicycle frame components are mounted to the same rear axle.

Donated bicycle. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Get two bicycles for parts rearranging.

Tools. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Disassemble one bicycle down to the frame by removing the brakes, shifters, derailleurs, handlebars, front forks, and wheels. Leave at least one pedal on, noted in the next step. Separate the front and rear wheels from their hubs by cutting and removing their spokes. These will be used later.

Cutting off pedal.(Photo by Luke Halonen)

Remove the pedal from non-geared side of the main bicycle frame.

Rear supports added (Photo by Alberto Jasso)

Remove and reattach rear wheel supports from the scrap bicycle to rear axle of main bike frame.

Front support hacksawing (photo by Alberto Jasso)

Prepare the front of the main frame for front supports.

Front support grinding(photo by Alberto Jasso)

Prepare the front supports for welding. Front supports came from the front handle bar support bracket of the scrap bicycle.

Welded frame. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Weld the frame into a sturdy structure and replace the seat with the front forks that were removed earlier.

Bracing for generator plate installed. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Using frame material from the scrap bike, cut and weld bracing to rear supports. This will be used to support the generator.

Preparing cross-bracing for welding. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

With square stock material, cut and weld cross-bracing onto previously installed bracing material

Drafting a generator plate. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Draft and cut a plate to mount the generator onto.

Flywheel installed (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Mount flywheel to gear side of crank at the bottom bracket using spacers to prevent interference with chain.

Pump Lever and Crank Shaft[edit | edit source]

The pump lever is made up of steel square bar stock, a front bicycle wheel hub with quick release axle, two handle bars from the two bicycles, and the pedal that was removed earlier. The crank shaft is made up of round bar stock with an internal diameter that is the same as the diameter of the pedal material removed from the crank so that it can be inserted into the round bar and secured.

Pump lever pivot point. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Using square bar stock and U-bolts, mount a front wheel hub to bar stock attach it the to upright front forks. quick

Pump lever crank shaft pivot point. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Using the previously removed pedal and round bar stock, insert the pedal shaft into the end of the round bar stock. Using U-bolts, mount the pedal to the underside of the square bar stock. The round bar stock will be the crank shaft. Determine the length of the crank shaft by adjusting the position of the pedal on the square bar stock while temporarily attaching the crank shaft to the lower pedal. The crank shaft whould be attached so that the crank at the bottom bracket rotates smoothly.

Crank shaft attached to the crank pedal. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Once the length of the crank shaft is determined, mount the crank shaft to the crank pedal.

Handle bar placement (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Once the position of the crank shaft is determined on the square bar stock, cut length of the square bar stock to even lengths from the middle. The attach previously removed handlebars to the ends of the square bar to create a pump lever.

Generator[edit | edit source]

The generator is mounted below, and chained into, the rear cassette.

Generator mounted to bottom plate. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Mount generator to bottom plate.

Generator chained in. (Photo by Luke Halonen)

Chain in generator.

Electrical[edit | edit source]


Wiring diagram.


Mount the charge controller onto the rear part of the frame near the generator.


Wire the blocking diode inline with the battery.


Wire a fuse into the system to prevent an overflow of current into the charge controller.


Wire a rectifier to both ends of the generator to ensure no matter which what the generator rotates, current polarity remains the same.


Wire in the battery.

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Flock House Handcar Generator

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