OSU Green Roof
Update[edit | edit source]
First Written Update[edit | edit source]
- First written update(due week of 2/9 – 2/13) Should include milestones achieved, milestones remaining (+ target dates), list of items on which money has been spent so far, and total amount of money spent. Probably less than a page.
As a group we have decided to primarily use the funding to repair and plant the current planter boxes located on the roof surrounding the rooftop patio area of the Kelley Engineering Building. Our team has been on the roof to deconstruct one of the planter boxes to diagnose the problem and devise a replanting plan. The boxes were at one point planted but due to failed irrigation, and improper plant species selected the boxes contain only dead plants. The purpose of replanting the boxes will be to give examples of plants that are suitable for a rooftop planting, use of plants that require low maintenance, and are aesthetically pleasing. With the help of several members of the Horticulture club the first work party will be to amend the planting media currently in the planter boxes. To reduce the compaction of this media and to increase drainage pumice or perlite will be used.
The target date to complete this project is March 15- April 15. Because the majority of the plants used in the planter boxes will be donated the completion date will vary based on plant availability.
Currently the project for planting a green roof on the Kelley Engineering Building has faced several obstacles. The current state of an entire green roof on the building is something that is remains a part of this project but the need for outside backing and funding is needed to complete such a large-scale project. The future plans for the Kelley roof includes solar panels from another source and a green roof area for research by a graduate student. The plan still includes a small portion of the roof to be planted following the completion of the planter boxes. The size and depth of this part of the project will depend on the amount of remaining funding and support. We have been soliciting plant donations and to date 50 % of the green roof plants will be donated. Media may be another item to solicit yet other components and logistics are still being worked out.
Budget Spent $0
In-Person Update[edit | edit source]
- In-person update (week of 3/30-4/3, Week 1 Spring term)We can work out a schedule when this gets closer, but expect to present basically the same info as for the written update and answer questions.
Second Written Update[edit | edit source]
- Second written update(due week of 4/27 – 5/1, Week 4 Spring term)Same information as first written update.