News by UK location 2021
This page is one of a few central locations for testing out the use of Template:News. As of Jan 2022, based on the spread of news across CASwiki the locations are News - News by location - News UK - News by UK location
- Plymouth Octopus is a cosmolocal CAN in action, combining local practicality and global perspective, The Dailty Alternative (Dec 01, 2021, Plymouth)
- ‘Putting Down Routes’: blueprint for delivering Scottish ‘Active Freeway’ network, (Oct 07, 2021, Scotland; UK) — The New report builds upon the inclusion of Active Freeways within the Scottish Government and Scottish Greens’ shared programme for government. It provides a blueprint for developing a strategic network of Active Freeways across Scotland, and draws on UK and European experience to identify how the network can be successfully designed and implemented.
- Wales set to build 20,000 low-carbon social homes, BBC News (Aug 04, 2021, Wales)
- Social sustainability prize for Knowle West outdoor community hub, (May 24, 2021, Bristol)