Grant and proposal writing tips
- be brief, clear, jargon free and interesting
Summary[edit | edit source]
- Summarize the request at the beginning of the proposal
- Identify who is applying for the grant
- One sentence shows credibility
- One sentence should describes the problem
- One sentence should define the objective
- One sentence should illustrate the methods
- Cover total cost including what has been raised
Intro[edit | edit source]
- clearly show who is applying for funding
- describe the applicant's organization and its goals
- describe any programs and activities of the organization
- describe the applicant's constituents
- describe the applicant's accomplishments
- include quantitative data to support accomplishments
- include quotes that support the applicant
- brief problem statement
Problem Statement[edit | edit source]
- relate to the goals of the applicant
- define scope
- include quantitative support
- state in terms of the client's needs
- show how clent's input was taken into consideration
- avoid unsupported assumptions
Program Objective[edit | edit source]
- describe how outcome will be quantified
- for each problem in the problem statement, there should be a program objective withch addresses this problem
- Objectives should be results instead of methods
- show how the outcome will be beneficial
- state time frame
Methods[edit | edit source]
- describe how the objectives will be reached
- state why these methods were chosen to accomplish the objectives
- describe program staffing
- the scope and time frame should be reasonable
Evaluation[edit | edit source]
- present a plan for to evalueate the stated objectives including methods, instruments and questionairs used in evaluation
- present a plan for objective modification in light of incoming information
- tell who will eveluate accomplishment of the objectives and how they were chosen
- describe evaluation reports, and when they should be expected
Future Programs and Funding[edit | edit source]
- show how the program will survive the current funding cycle
- describe how the program will be maintained
Budget[edit | edit source]
- detailed
- should project costs
- contain no unexplained costs
- require no interpretation by the funding agency
- include all volunteers, consultants, fringe benefits, salaries, indirect costs, items paid for by other sources, and items asked for