Engr205 Eco Hostel
Purpose[edit | edit source]
The Fall 2010 semester of Engineering 215 worked with Humboldt Bay Center for Sustainable Living to design and build projects that support an eco-hostel being designed to be in the Samoa Cookhouse in Samoa, California. The Samoa Hostel is currently on hold.
Thermosyphon Solar Shower System An outdoor shower that utilizes solar energy to heat the water -
Samoa Hostel Truth Tank Provides greywater treatment system for a satellite solar shower -
Samoa Hostel Wattimus Prime A metering scheme that monitors the amount of energy used by the visitors -
Can You Feel The Heatloss? An education display about convection and heat loss -
Samoa Hostel Natural Paints A natural paint display to educate visitors of the Samoa Hostel -
Pain in the Axle A bicycle-powered electrical generator that powers a television and DVD player -
Samoa Hostel Windbelt An array of wind belts that can charge a cell phone -
The Mechanical Munchy-Maker mechanical bicycle generates energy to power a kitchen appliance -
Samoa Hostel Insulation Station Educates visitors about the effectiveness insulation types and their relative costs -
Samoa Hostel greywater island Models, designs, and educates guests and implementers of hostel size greywater treatment