ENGR 442 JellyBox Dual Extrusion Modification
Project Description[edit | edit source]
This project involves the conversion of a single-extruder JellyBox to a dual-extruder JellyBox. Both versions of the JellyBox are reasonably compatible, with the only significant difference being the build plate size (which is a minimal difference).
Instructions for the ENGR 442 Dual Extrusion Modification[edit | edit source]
This modified version has been created in partial completion of the ENGR 442 class at Principia College. This version is designed for a JellyBox 2 modified for dual extrusion with one Bowden-style extruder and one direct drive extruder. The 3D file can be found on the Appropedia page which corresponds to this design.
Required Components[edit | edit source]
- JellyBox
- Chimera + E3D MatterHackers
- Additional NEMA motor
- New machine profile instructions below
- Bowden extruder
- Mount for Bowden (we used two zip-ties)
- Firmware (this is designed for a 1.0 but modifying build volume makes it appropriate for a 2.0)
- PTFE Tubing (we used Capricorn tubing)
Creating the New Machine Profile in the Slicer =[edit | edit source]
Create a machine profile with the following values using a custom FFF in CURA:
Setting | Value |
X (Width) | 180 mm |
Y (depth) | 165 mm |
Z (height) | 145 mm |
Build Plate Shape | Rectangular |
G-Code Flavor | Marlin |
X min | 0 mm |
Y min | 0 mm |
Z min | 0 mm |
X max | 0 mm |
Y max | 0 mm |
Gantry Height | 145 mm |
Number of Extruders | 2 |
Start G-Code | Copy and Paste from the Jellybox2.0 profile |
End G-Code | Copy and Paste from the Jellybox2.0 profile |
Instructions[edit | edit source]
Quick placeholder
The firmware is hosted on Github and is under active development. Instructions are duplicated on Github and both pages link to one another.