Appropedia:Incubator/Grease powered EV charging station
Understanding the market[edit | edit source]
I want people to have these locally manufactured in their communities.
Project goals[edit | edit source]
To make public EV charging stations grid free and beneficial for the communities they occupy.
Design[edit | edit source]
It follows the design of a standard public charging station, except it has a slot for local restaurant owners to input grease. There is a chamber for the grease where it is churned and rotated to create the electricity, and an external cooling unit to prevent the grease from catching fire.
Discussion[edit | edit source]
could this be a threat for public safety
Conclusions[edit | edit source]
Forming a Public Private Partnership between local manufacturers, restaurants, and your city, for making and installing this device will result in a truly independent charging station, a new way for sustainable disposal of grease, and a stronger economy
Contact details[edit | edit source]
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