Hydrogen Fuel Cells[edit source]

   How a Hydrogen fuel cells works is a catalyst (typically Platinum) is used to differentiate the electrons and protons contained in the fuel (Hydrogen),The resulting electron flow creates an electrical circuit. An oxidant is introduced which binds to the Hydrogen, creating water as the exclusive waste product resulting from operation.
   Some basic applications for Hydrogen fuel cells besides cars are; forklifts, boats and trains. Even airplanes have been successfully configured to run off fuel cells. In addition the Sierra Nevada brewery uses waste methane from the fermentation process as a Hydrogen donor, used in fuel cells to provide renewable power for their facility.

What allows the Hydrogen Fuel Cell to accomplish this is the Proton exchange membrane, which is typical of Hydrogen Fuel Cells as opposed to other varieties.[edit source]

-A conductive polymer membrane acts as the electrolyte -Hydrogen is introduced into the anode, at which point differentiation occurs -Protons are absorbed by the membrane and travel to the cathode; electrons are routed around the insulated membrane, powering the external circuit.

Efficiency[edit source]

-Pure Hydrogen-fueled cells have the potential to stor and convert energy at 80% efficiency -If we assume 80% efficiency for converting electrical into mechanical energy, a fuel-cell powered vehicle will have an overall efficiency of 64% -By contrast, the average efficiency of an internal combustion engine is only 20%

Isuess[edit source]

-Production of an average fuel cell today costs $73 per kilowatt -Membrane degradation occurs as a result of thermal stress, fairly quickly, due to cells cycling as the vehicle starts/stops -PEM fuel cells are limited by their hydration requirements, which is problematic in cold and low-humidity climates -Hydrogen as a purified fuel source is not readily available, and the cost of producing it and building infrastructure to distribute it is considerable

Innovations will lead the industry...[edit source]

-New techniques involving organic polymer (PEDOT) catalysts can reduce hydrogen production costs considerably -A combination of cobalt and phosphate salts can be used to extract hydrogen from water cheaply and efficiently -Researchers at Ohio University are looking into using urea (H4N2-- found in urine) as a more efficiently-split Hydrogen donor, requiring only 1/33 the electricity necessary to extract Hydrogen from water

...California’s Hydrogen Highway is an attempt to establish a highway system supplied with hydrogen refueling stations.[edit source]

-The first Hydrogen station in the state opened in West Sacramento in 2000, at the Fuel Cell Partnership’s headquarters -Our state now has more Hydrogen stations than any other geopolitical region in the world -The number of fuel cell vehicles in southern California is projected to double every year -The California Hydrogen Highway Network was established in 2004 in order to meet the increasing demand

Sources: http://www.cafcp.org/ http://web.archive.org/web/20120920054053/http://hydrogenhighway.ca.gov/ http://www.fuelcells.org/basics/apps.html http://web.archive.org/web/20121114010558/http://dsc.discovery.com:80/news/2009/07/08/urine-power.html http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2008/July/31070802.asp http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/alternative-fuels/fuel-cell3.htm

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