It has been a bumpy ride, everything was new.

It is my first year in Senior High School, I'm doing all my best to adjust into this new chapter. But, It turned out that it's not just a new grade level, the pandemic hit. It was another aspect for me to adapt; online classes.

Despite this new mode of learning, there are many things that was added in my new discoveries. On the second semester of our "etech" subject, I have learned a lot, especially in making webpages. I really experienced so much fun while making html's. The process of coding and typing the content needs an ample time, but there is a joyous fulfillment after you finished the task. I was really amazed on how the earth, those codes generated visuals; you can even add background musics; you can attach pictures and videos.

I am grateful that I am lucky enough, and to be able to learn this new things.

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