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Looking for my paradise...

link to my website and blog about sustainable travel. http://lookingformyparadise.travellerspoint.com/

Stories from a Flemish girl traveling the world with her soul mate. They are in search of the perfect piece of land to start building their dream house. But while doing so they are learning all about being self-sufficiency and sustainability.

My paradise.jpeg

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is the gods honest truth! Think about it. How many of us dream of traveling around the world? How many of us have envied others who have taken off one day and done it? How many sat back while mumbling if only they weren't so busy at work? If only they had the time or money? If only this.. if only that... BE REAL, folks! To travel the world is not a question of money or enough time off. It's all about your willingness to just go ahead with it all and take the plunge into the unknown! Okay. Okay. I will admit this. It has to be kind of in your blood. You got to have an adventurous personality and not be too attached to something back home. Or you can do it like me. Meet your husband while traveling and take him along for the ride. Long term travel does not have to be expensive. The way we are doing it, doesn't really cost us a whole lot. Granted you have to make money somehow at some points during your travels (which we'll talk about later) to fill up the never ending hole in your wallet. But there are ways to make those well earned dollars (or euros) last for a very long time. These ways will also make your experiences a hell of a lot more interesting and more real. Maybe you just like to pay big bucks for some relaxed "reading by the pool with a cocktail in your hand - never really leaving your hotel" kind of holiday. That's perfectly okay. Really. Once in a while we all like to just do nothing and enjoy the relaxy-taxi (as I call it). But what I am talking about is long term exploration. Leaving everything on hold back home. Wondering what is out there. Wanting to meet these strange but wonderful cultures in person. It's not easy for an individual with these dreams who doesn't have the know-how to just get up and leave. And that is why I'm writing this blog. We want to share. We want YOU to know OUR secrets. We want you to gather the knowledge we have gathered. So you can enjoy it as well. So you can explore the world and open your eyes. To be happy and free, just like us.

Love and peace,

Flemish girl.

PS please note my first language isn't English, actually English is not even my second language :) This blog for me is about spreading some love.

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