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Name Muhammad Salahuddin Kabir
Registered 2014

Hi my name is Muhammad Salahuddin Kabir. Here is the description of my academic profile. Thanks for visiting. Salahuddin new.jpg

ACADEMIC BACKGROUND[edit | edit source]

Currently serving as lecturer in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Military Institute of Science and Technology under Bangladesh University of Professionals, Mr. Kabir has passed his Bachelor of Science degree from Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering from the same institute on 12 January 2012. He has passed his B.Sc. with the Commandant's List of Honor with a CGPA of 3.82 on the scale of 4.00. His undergraduate thesis topic was "STUDY OF MESFET CHARACTERISTICS AND ITS MODELING" under the supervision of Group Captain Dr. Mohammed Hossam-E-Haider. Mr. Kabir's research interest is in Nanoelectronics and Photovoltaic Solar Energy. He has published two international conference papers and one national journal paper. He is currently working on a project of PV Modelling using Simulink.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS[edit | edit source]

  • Commandant's List of Honor Certificate (2008, 2010, 2011)
  • Dean's List of Honor Certificate (2009)
  • MIST Scholarship (2008-2011)
  • Education Board Scholarship (Talentpool) for excellence in S.S.C.

EXPERIENCE[edit | edit source]

  • Lecturer, Department of Aeronautical Engineering

Military Institute of Science and Technology From 29 January 2012 to Present

Courses Taken as a Lecturer:

Theory Courses
       1. Fundamentals of Electronics (AEAV-211)
       2. Electronics-1 (AEAV-203)
       3. Microprocessor and Interfacing (AEAV-409)
       4. Computer Programming and Application (AEAV-103)
       5. Signals and Systems (AEAV-303)
Lab Courses
       1. Basic Electrical Circuit Lab (AEAV-102)
       2. AC circuit Lab (AEAV-202)
       3. Fundamental of Electronics Lab (AEAV-212)
       4. Digital Logic Design Lab (AEAV-302)
       5. Microprocessor and Interfacing Lab (AEAV-410)
       6. Computer Programming Lab (AEAV-104)
       7. Numerical Technique Lab (AEAV-206)
  • Intern, Energypac Engineering Ltd

From 12 December 2010 to 23 December 2010

  • Intern, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission

From 28 November 2010 to 9 December 2010

THESIS/PROJECTS[edit | edit source]


Study of MESFET Characteristics and It's Modelling


  1. Designing ALU Using Basic Digital ICs
  2. Electrical Wiring Design and Power Estimation for MIST Tower 1
  3. Designing Automatic Trafffic Controller Using Logic Control
  4. Designing Temperature Controller using PID Control System

PUBLICATIONS[edit | edit source]

1. Electrification of Streets of Dhaka City Using Smart Solar System, pg:66, ISBN 978-4799-0398-6, 2nd ICIEV 2013; R.R.Chowdhury, M.S. Kabir, M.A. Arafat (Link : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6572613&refinements%3D4278830006%26sortType%3Dasc_p_Sequence%26filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A6572523%29)

2. Solar Power Enhancement Using Concentration Method, Tracking System and Fuzzy Based Control System, pg:464-468, ISBN 978-1-4673-4834-8, 15th ICCIT 2012; M.S.Kabir; R.R. Chowdhury, M.N. Amin, W.M. Abdullah, D.M. Abdullah, M.A. Arafat (Link : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6509737&refinements%3D4278830006%26queryText%3Diccit+2012)

3. Comparison Between Non-linear MESFET Models:A Case Study, MIST Journal of Science and Technology, pg:54-61, Vol1, Number 1, June-May 2011;Dr. Mohammed Hossam-E-Haider, M.E.Islam, M.S. Kabir, R.R. Chowdhury

COMPUTER SKILLS[edit | edit source]

  • Software: Matlab, Simulink, Orcad, Export DSCH, Export Microwind, QUARTUS II, ADS, PSpice, Latex etc.
  • Programming Languages: C, C++, Assembly language
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, Mac


  • Served as a member of organizing committee for admission test of Dhaka Electric Supply Company Ltd (DESCO)
  • Served as a member of organizing committee of a seminar titled "Vision Exchange Program"
  • Served as a member of organizing committee of a Career Festival held in MIST
  • Served as an Assistant Course Co-ordinator of second year and final year students
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