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Name RalphTeJr.
Registered 2019

Every day I realize that I'm a senior. I know that probably sounds like a weird thing to say, but every day I have this enlightened moment where I say to myself "Whoa. This is my last year of high school".

When I wasn't a senior, I heard seniors talk about missing things about the place they live before they move, and this is something I've been consciously trying to avoid. I thought it would be easy, because the place I live is notorious for its lack of things to do. I'd bet that Murrieta is more exciting than a farming town in Nebraska, but if you only went by what you heard from the kids here, you'd think that this city is some kind of punishment. It really isn't that easy to stop those nostalgic feelings from forming, though, even this early in the year.


Everyday I realized that I'm a senior highschool now. I know that I sounds weird but I have this enlightened moment were I say to myself that "whoa this is my last year of highschool now ".

My first thoughts about the overall project in Empowerment Technology (E-TECH) is POSITIVE, For me it’s so challenging because it can give us a brighter future. I discovered when I made this project a little difficult because first of all I don’t know how to make this project and when I ask for a help on my classmates or friends they say that “I DON’T KNOW” that’s why I work hard for this project by using these knowledge that I learned to those lessons and I also discovered when I research something it can give me more thoughts about the project that I make. This made me most challenge, When my group leader or one of my groupmates will assign me to make a project ahead of time and that I only have a shorted time to make it. I feel pressured when someone is giving me a task like that because I feel that my work is not good and worthless. My powerful learning moments is when our teachers gave as a group activity and each one of us has given an individual task and because of this I learned that I need to work immediately so that I won't be burden to the groups and to properly manage the time that is given to us. And this is my powerful leanings that I have learned.

The most important thing that I learned personally is to manage the time with your project because time is the most important to make my personality works. When facing my ultimate problem, all I want to do is to chill, laugh and listen to any music because if I always thought about my problems I'll be stress and depress at the same time. It is better just to laugh , chill and listen to the music to avoid stress and depression. My best solution is to share my problems and have this guidance to me by my brave uncle but unfortunately he pass away that's why if I have problems I just want to keep it on my own and act like nothing but if worse comes to worse I'll come up with the best solution for my problems. That's how I made my solutions. To motivate them that we have time to change our lifes. We communicate using social media like messenger, twitter, and gmail even though we don’t even know each other. Someone lead the group to make the group right and have a power to face the project that given to us.

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