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Surgical Education Learners Forum/Appropedia resources

From Appropedia

This is a list of resources with general information regarding using Appropedia and editing surgical training modules.

General information[edit | edit source]

About SELF[edit | edit source]

About Appropedia[edit | edit source]

Help materials[edit | edit source]

  • SELF Technical resources toolbox: this is a list of relevant materials adaptaed from the original version of the toolbox, put together for the Global Surgical Training Challenge. It contains useful resources for content creation and project management.
  • Appropedia help: List of in-depth help materials to edit Appropedia.
  • Help:Searchability: This page explains the importance and a demo of metadata templates on Appropedia.

Content examples[edit | edit source]

The following is a non-comprehensive list of examples on other SELF modules.

Medical skill training[edit | edit source]

Skill training content is at the heart of the SELF approach to surgical traning. It contains instructions and self-assessment instructions for learners to acquire a specific surgical skill.

  • Provide annotations for audiovisual materials such as video or audio.
  • Provide step-by-step procedural instructions for the relevant skill practice.
  • Ensure that the self-assessment section allows the learner to review their practice.
  • Provide metadata to organize the content within a skill taxonomy.
  • Add an additional resources section with content from the same module, other SELF modules, or external materials for learners to continue their practice.

Medical knowledge pages[edit | edit source]

Knowlege pages are an accompaniment to skill training. They contain support materials for skill training, which means that they should either prepare learners to undertake a skill practice, or as a supplement to expand the knowledge of the learner after practicing.

  • Connect all theoretical knowledge to skill practice.

Simulator build documentation[edit | edit source]

This pertains to instructions to build a simulator. These are mostly aimed at educators and the technical teams in charge of building the simulators and setting up the learning environment.

  • Ensure that all instructions are clear and complete, including the following:
    • Materials
    • Tools
    • Assembly instructions
    • Safety recommendations
    • Approximate materials and construction costs
  • Consider possible material and tool availability in the various places where the simulator will be built.
  • Provide instructions for assembly, set-up and maintenance of the simulator.
  • Provide educators with instructions to set up and store the simulator.

Non-medical examples: These are examples of non-medical technical documentation on Appropedia, provided only for inspiration. These show complete requirements, lists of materials and assembly instructions to build a device.

  • 535 FiltAirs DIY air filter: Introduction, materials and costs, required tools, skills and knowledge, assembly, usage, among others.
  • Insulate Izyum: Background, benefits of the solution, materials, instructions, among others.

Quality recommendations[edit | edit source]

Quality standards may differ in relation to the type of procedure, role and reponsibility degree of practitioners, and type of equipment being used, among other things. However, these are some elements to keep in mind when producing content for a module:

  • Enable findability: think of how your module will be found by new learners and the information they will need to decide whether to engage with the material, for example, by providing clear learning objectives, assessment guidelines, material requirements for learning, and metadata.
  • Consider the audience: provide information and assess according to the skill level and role of the practitioner.
  • Help prepare the learning environment: provide instructions for educators to set up the space, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to reproduce an optimal learning experience.
  • Provide consistency: follow a specific method of relaying information and assessing skills.
  • Test the module: obtain enough feedback to ensure that the target learners can interact the materials to learn new skills and to assess their learning.
  • Establish a context: consider every page as a part of a larger curriculm, or even usable outside of your current curriculum.
  • Provide references and complementary materials: consider linking to other materials within the SELF ecosystem or outside materials that may enrichen the learning experience.

Video tutorials[edit | edit source]

Learning more about Appropedia
How to create your account
How to create a banner edit source
How to create a banner (visual edit)
How to create a new page from an existing page
How to create a new page from the search bar
How to create a new page using a template
How to move a page
How to insert a table
How to create your personal talk page
How to insert a gallery visual edit
How to create a talk page
How to use a sandbox
How to create a knowledge page
How to create a quiz
How to create a medical skill page
How to create a training module
Page data
Authors Paola Moreno
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 0 pages link here
Aliases User:Paola Moreno/Appropedia resources
Impact 4 page views (more)
Created May 5, 2023 by Paola Moreno
Last modified November 7, 2023 by Emilio Velis
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