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Name Miguel Matthew Baladad
Registered 2019

Facing Environmental Issues[edit | edit source]

As of now, we have been facing many issues surrounding our environment and how these things have affected all non-living and living beings. A lot of things are now happening in our world, forests have been burning down across the globe, the planet's temperature rising rapidly, glaciers melting, and overflowing landfills. Unfortunately, these are the products of our doings since the beginning and today these consequences to our actions are now just starting to come into fruition. News has been overflowing with these types of issues lately and it's very saddening to see that such things are happening in the world, our world.

One might think that there might not be any more solution to these problems, as the damage had already caused destruction that can't be undone. Some hope that there are and there will be solutions that we can do to fix our mistakes. Both of these are correct, we have already caused severe damage that hasn't been solved in the past few years and it's only getting worse by the day, but we must not lose hope, there are numerous solutions that we can do to make a change. Earth is our home, and the only way to keep our home is through working together and collaborating our efforts into one big effort that can impact not only our environment but also to get other people to join this collaborative effort.

Today, major issues have sprung in our world and people have opened their eyes to the truth and have started making a difference: reducing waste, having biodegradable items, eradicating single-use plastics, and many more. These things alone can help change the future for the better. Many people, like Greta Thunderberg, have stepped on the pedestal to spread awareness and influence people and the government to also make a difference.

There have been a lot of bad events regarding our environment this year and as the year 2019 ends, there have also been a lot of movements to save our planet and prevent these issues to happen again and one of the great examples is the #teamtrees movement started a famous Youtuber named, Mr.Beast whose goal is to plant 20 million trees with the help of donating a dollar for a tree. Per one dollar donated 1 tree will also be planted. With this collaboration, the #teamtrees movement hopes to reach its goal before the year ends.

With simple actions, we can turn our environment back to its healthy state. One person's actions can help make a difference.

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