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Name Kotaro Oros
Registered 2018

INSIDE THE SOCIAL MEDIA[edit | edit source]

Social media. With only two words many things could be created, broken and find. These two words had such powers that could break any relationship. Family, friendship, and even love interest. But that’s just the beginning, if it can break of course it could also create. Many wonderful things can be seen by everyone just by using their gadgets, cellphones and PCs, but not everything you see is good, there are also bad or worse things that’s in the social media that people has yet to discover.


Have you heard of people meeting in real life because of social media? posting wonderful pictures of sceneries and people together sharing their experience and their love for each other by travelling. Not just photos of sceneries but there are also shared photos drawn by someone that looks realistic, 3D draw pictures, amateur drawings that is the stepping stone of future painter and illustrator, my personal favorite of them is the Anime and manga made by many great artists around the world. Countless pictures from illustrating to fan-made characters of famous anime, real people made anime for fun and such. Really the social media is such a wonderful man-made world, with only a pair of camera, laptop and phones people can create worlds of their own and share it to everyone who has the same taste. But you will not believe if I tell you that social media also has its own downside, despite all of its wonderful artworks and stories, social media has its dark side. Wonderful things always have its dark side, and you cannot deny that on social media, ranging from pornography, bullying, and gross videos that cannot be explained, because of social media teens and kids who hold phones and tablets at a very young age are already exposed to the horrors of the real world. This era kids already hold phones that are probably has much better specs that ours, because of parents being too nice to their kids, they have seen things that should not be seen with such innocent eyes. With just a click a kid can easily play a video of people getting run down by a car, truck, and worse seeing them die in the video. You may not know it but there are videos like this on social media, even the biggest one of them- Facebook has the video somewhere, if you only know the title and the group or page who post the vid then you can easily access to it. No matter how many times you try to report it on Facebook it will not disappear on social media because once it becomes a trend or the video has been famous, it will spread like wildfire on every social media you know.

KID'S CURIOSITY[edit | edit source]

Once curiosity strikes it will never disappear in the heads of the people until they will know what happened, this case has been on most of the teens who’s curiously been dragged by their bad influence friends, movies and less but is a possibility at the house. Teens who’s curious about the opposite sex will always search for ways to find out (of course I think you know what im talking about) sadly for those who doesn’t get what I mean but I will continue my blabbing. If a kid knows a new word he/she has never knew before of course he/she will search for it in social media. And if those innocent eyes see things that cannot be unseen they will be curious about what it feels and might want to try it out, you cannot deny that fact because even toddlers are like that, once they see you eating or doing something, they will be curious and will try to get closer to it. It’s a natural instincts of a human to be curious about everything, from down to earth to the endless space up above, so it is not surprising that there are kids whose eyes aren’t innocent anymore. And because of that curiosity teen-age pregnancy has been increasing even more in the passage of time.

PREGNANCY[edit | edit source]

Not only adults are the ones being pregnant this days, even kids are getting pregnant because of curiosity and poverty. Many kids today have been selling their body to earn money to give to their parents who do nothing but slack off and drink. Reportedly on other countries and even here on Philippines there has been girls age less than 15 already has been pregnant, some of them might not because of curiosity but yes there are girls who at a young age is already a mother. Sadly, the only thing people do right now is take a picture or vid and post it to the social media and hoping that someone would help the helpless girls in their situation, but of course the Netizens aren’t that goody two shoes to help them and big companies are busy of their own and doesn’t have time to view what’s happening on social media.

CYBER BULLYING[edit | edit source]

Worst thing that has been reported by social media is ironically due to cyber bullying. Cyber cullying mean bullying someone even on their private life inside the internet, giving them harsh messages, trolling them and making fun of them. From other’s perspective this is not much of a problem but it already is a hell to those who are being bullied. imagine a world where everyone is looking at you with disgust, and you can only escape through the cyber world but even on the cyber world they are following you. It’s like you got no privacy in your own room. Cases like this have also been increasing yearly and is now one of the reasons of suicides. But then again, people of the social media doesn’t do anything but only give likes and sad reactions to things like this and you and I aren’t escaping that list of those who scroll, like and share to this kind of things. This is where I stop my blabbing, thank you for listening.

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