Project Goals[edit | edit source]

We want to create a dashboard to study pages and page categories across Appropedia. This resource will be used by our team to analyze editor engagement across Appropedia.

Desired outcome[edit | edit source]

  • Page with:
    • an input for a page or category url.
    • a start and end period for analysis (default: last 30 days). Page analysis may include a "full history" checkbox that disables the date input and analysis the page's full page history (pages only for now).

For a page[edit | edit source]

  • Review if page is to be excluded from analysis (platform pages, automatic translations, etc.)
  • Obtain historical data for page revisions such as number of edits and date, number of unique editors, names of editors if available, and bytes added or deleted.
  • Create a report for the page within the time period listing number of edits, unique editors (named and anonymous), bytes added and bytes deleted.
    • Exclude reverted edits or consider reverted edits as spam and include in the report.

For a category[edit | edit source]

  • Obtain a list of all the pages that belong to the category.
  • Run the page historical data script for each page belonging to the category.
  • Produce a report that shows:
    • Total number of pages analyzed.
    • Aggregated number of edits, unique editors, bytes added, and bytes deleted for the category.
    • A table or visualization showing the most edited pages in the time period.

Future next steps[edit | edit source]

  • Create a database that contains
    • edits for all pages aggregated by month or year.
    • edits for most important categories aggregated by month or year.
  • Connect with Google Analytics and Cloudflare data to store information about users and editors that can be available to the team.

Relevant resources[edit | edit source]

  • See this PHP script that aggregates contributions to a page and filters by user.
  • Wikimedia
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