I drew a bird lol
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Registered 2024

I am a Mechanical Engineering student here at Cal Poly Humboldt.

My favorite things right now are more than definitely games like Pokémon (the cards too), I love the outdoors and will do anything to be outside, and I am very passionate about my family; I am obsessed with setting my family up for success short term and long term.

I have a question for you: What do these things have to do with engineering?

Honestly, I don't have an answer for you. What I know for certain is that each one of those things have led me to want to be an engineer, and each thing has led me down a path to acquire the skills necessary to be an engineer

My love for Pokémon made me able to manage multiple things at once and pushed me to be a leader (I know it's hard to believe, but stranger things are true).

My love for the outdoors made me patient and relentless because of the countless hours I have spent waiting for a deer to cross my path. It has also made me compassionate--I've been able to love life that doesn't always register as life when you're walking around day to day

My love for family has made me want to make the world a better place for them. With that in hand, with that in mind, I have dedicated myself to make as much good out of nothing for as long as there is air in my lungs.

Even so, I have more than just drive and a vision, I have experience. My grandpa is a veteran. He was a mechanic in the army and later in life joined the police force. He has so much good in his heart matched with skill with any tool, or anything you put in front of him. He could make anything with enough time, and so we did. My grandpa, my younger brother, and me have made so many things with my grandpa that I can't even remember a lot of what we have created but the most notable are weird to say the least:

We have made a smoker out of an old propane tank and random scrap metal, we have made a rack for fishing poles that mounts to his truck (any a lot of other people's trucks after its debut), we have changed breaks on plenty of cars, rebuilding a car that is older than me and my brother combined, and so many other smaller projects that range from home improvement to random projects for fun.

I have lots of experience with design and with making the design. It doesn't end there, but I don't want you reading so much so I will leave you here with one of my favorite quotes.

"I think I'm cool, that's all that matters" -Tyler, the creator

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