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1. Videos. Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the entire world (e.g., YouTube, Tiktok, etc.).

2. Sound, Music, or Audio. If videos are too much for you, you can always record sounds. You can now share your sound bites to the entire world (e.g., Soundcloud)

3. Online games. Game developers now create what is called “browser-based games.” You do not need to install these games to your computer as they run in most updated web browsers (Y8.com, Candy Crush, etc.)

4. Online tests. Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished (e.g. Google Forms).

5. Courseware. Online courses that simulate the classroom online (e.g., OrangeApps, Google Classroom, etc.)

6. Podcasts. An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuits).

7. Vodcasts. An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., YouTube series/shows like Good Mythical Morning, etc.).

How to insert youtube videos in your blog post.

1.Search any song or video you want from YouTube.

2.Go to the bottom of the video and click the Share button. (Or simply right click the video and copy the URL).

•3. Now Search WordPress on google or scan the QR code

•4. Now click “Start your Site”.

•5. Then type any name you would like for your site.

•7. Now from the domain choices below select the free one.

•8. Now from the Subscription Page click the “start with a free site” link below “Choose a Subscription Plan”.

9. Now choose any pre-built designs you would like, or you could just simply start from scratch.

10. Now click “Name your site”.

11. Now input any site title you would want in the “Site Title”.

12. Then click “All done” and “Save settings”, and “Return to my home”.

13. Now click “Edit Homepage”.

14. Now click the “+” Icon, then click “Browse All” and find “Embed”.

15. Then paste the video link you have copied or simply press ctrl+v.

16. Now click “Update” on the upper right corner of your screen when you’re done.

17. Now click the “View Page” that will pop-up in the button left of your screen or click “Preview” beside the “Update” tab and click preview on new tab

18. If your done previewing you can now click “Launch Site” to publish your website.

19. Then scroll down and click “Skip Purchase”.

20. Now click “Start with a new site” below “Choose a Plan”.

21. Now find “Pages” on the left side of your screen then click it. There you will see the website you have published.

22. Now click the 3 dot Icon and select “Preview Site” or “Copy Link” and paste it wherever you would want to share it with.


Social change: Denotes a major ship in people’s behavior and cultural values that leaves a lasting effect on society as a whole. Notable events that brought long-term changes in society include the Industrial Revolution, the abolition of slavery, and the Feminist movement. Today, we are experiencing a significant social change regarded as the 4th Industrial Revolution---characterized by changes in the way we live brought about by developments in technology. Sociologists define social change as a transformation of cultures, institutions, and functions. Most change isn’t instantaneous. In society, change is often very slow. There are a variety of parts and forces at work, many of which resist disruptions of the status quo. All societies go through these types of changes at one point. You don’t need to be an avid student of history to know that. Consider a modern society and reflect on what it looked like hundreds of years ago. Often, society is unrecognizable.

Theories of social change:

While it’s inevitable for all societies to go through some changes, why that happens isn’t obvious. Throughout history, sociologists have wrestled with different ideas and models. There are three main theories of social change: evolutionary, functionalist, and conflict.

Example of social change:

Social change often occurs as a result of social movements. There are countless examples throughout history in every country on earth. Some of the most famous (many of which are ongoing and/or evolving) include:

  • The Reformation
  • The abolition of the transatlantic slave trade
  • The Civil Rights movement
  • The feminist movement
  • The LGBTQ+ rights movement
  • The green movement

How do ICT social change work together?

  • In today’s modern world, ICT can be utilized to achieved social change . People can promote social change by participating in certain advocacies on the internet. A concrete example is in the area of social justice.
  • Information and Communications Technology (ICT) offers us the possibility to acquire information and to connect with other people at a speed and across distances unprecedented in history. For those without access to ICT, the knowledge and resources gap can grow exponentially. This gap, often referred to as a “digital divide,” is usually caused by poverty and lack of infrastructure. In the case of women, cultural expectations and prejudice can further exacerbate their lack of access to ICT.
  • WLP believes that when women and girls across the world are able to harness ICT’s potential, they improve not only their own lives but can also advance their communities through their increased levels of employment, participation in governance, and application of better information about health, safety, finance, education, childrearing, social progress, and their rights.
  • ICT can enable disadvantaged individuals and communities to participate in the national and global policy decisions that can change their lives and empower them to take actions that can financially, socially, and politically benefit them.
  • Believe it or not, many of us have contributed one way or another to a specific advocacy. For instance, we may see many post on the Social Media Platforms about issues such as discrimination against gender races. By sharing these posts and by expressing our opinions about the issues, we help spread awareness and contribute to the call for collective action.
  • ICT and social change works by people on the internet spreading advocacies and asking you to join on this, You may not know But Posting and sharing on those advocacies in a social media platform and also sharing our opinions on these social issues helps people spread more awareness.
  • In the University of Queensland it has established a Center for Communication and Social Change (CFCSG) It specializes in studying and researching on communication processes.
  • Depression has been a rising issue in the recent years, with it being experienced by many teenagers and adolescents. It is a mental health condition that can affect anyone. This issue can have am adverse effect on future generations and society as a whole.
  • In our generation especially when technology was being famous depression was a big mental health issue so in late 2015 Tristan Yuevenico Release “Kumusta” to help and address the issue on depression and it helps on how to handle being depressed and how can they extend help.
  • The campaign also aims to reduce the stigma against depression which makes people suffering from it feel ashamed of their condition, preventing them to be treated properly.
  • With the help of technology to spread awareness campaign to address depression as a social issue.


ICT Project Publication and Statistics

Statistics: The collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data.

In the business world, companies would use site statistics to check how popular their website is and at which day and time they get the most traffic. This way their new content could reach more people.

Monitoring Site Statistics on Different Platforms

  • WordPress: Once you log in to your WordPress account, you are on the "My Home" by default. Simply click on "Stats" and from there you will see the statistics for your blog.
  • Facebook: In your created Facebook page, a summary of the statistics will appear if you searched your own facebook page and you clicked your page if it appears in the results after that you scroll on the left side and you would see the "Insights" It is the summary of the statistics. Hovering your mouse pointer over “post reach” will give your more insights on which recent post reached the most people: b. Likes – contains the statistics about the trend of page likes. c. Reach – contains information about the number of people who was reached your post. d. Posts – contains data showing when (day and time) your site visitors visit your site. e. People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics (age, location, gender, language, and country). It also includes demographics about the people you have reached and engaged with. Clicking on the Insights tab (located at the top of your page) will give you more in-depth statistics:(change this) a. Overview – Contains the summary of statistics about your page (this too) Definition of terms on your Facebook statistics: (1) Reach: Organic – your posts seen through the page’s wall, shares by users, and the news feed (2) Reach: Paid – your posts seen through paid ads (3) Post Clicks – number of clicks done to your posts (4) Likes, Comments, and Shares – actual interaction done by your audience either through liking the post, commenting on it or sharing it on their wall.
  • b. Likes – contains the statistics about the trend of page likes.
  • c. Reach – contains information about the number of people who was reached your post.
  • d. Posts – contains data showing when (day and time) your site visitors visit your site.
  • e. People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics (age, location, gender, language, and country). It also includes demographics about the people you have reached and engaged with.

Demographics refers to the statistics characterizing human population usually divided by age, gender, income, location, and language.


13 Tips for Keeping IT Projects Under Control

1. Appoint the right project manager for the job.

2. Support the project manager with the right team.

3. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your project team.

4. Scope out the project then strip it down.

5. Prioritize tasks and come up with guidelines for when priorities conflict.

6. Actively monitor projects, as well as your team.

7. Use project management software.

8. Hold weekly meetings.

9. Manage change

10. Take a hard line against scope creep.

11. Create milestones for every member of the team and celebrate them when met.

12. Consider using agile methodology.

13. Track time

Harvest is a cloud-based time tracking tool designed for businesses of all sizes. The solution provides timesheet and invoicing features for small businesses and freelancers, key features include time and   expense management, team management, project management, scheduling and invoicing. Harvest offers one-click time entry for timesheets. The solution allows users to track time using different devices, such as desktop widget, mobile device, mac and pc. It enables users to approve timesheets and the system sends automated reminders to employees to submit their individual timesheets.

Zoho projects is a cloud-based project management solution designed for small and midsize companies. It offers project scheduling and budgeting, which allows project managers to define project tasks, assign them to their teams, estimate project costs and follow up on in-progress tasks.

Users can create their task boards with different columns and move the tasks between them. Typically, columns include task statuses such as to do, in progress, done. The tool can be used for personal and business purposes including real estate management, software project management, school bulletin boards, lesson planning, accounting, web design, gaming, and law office case management

Asana is a software-as-a-service designed to improve team collaboration and work management. It helps teams manage projects and tasks in one tool. Teams can create projects, assign work to teammates, specify deadlines, and communicate about tasks directly in asana. It also includes reporting tools, file attachments, calendars, and more.

7 tips for creating an awesome nonprofit website

1. Make your mission apparent

2. Use content to attract supporters

3. Make your site donor-friendly

4. Make volunteer recruitment easy

5. Incorporate visual storytelling

6. Make your website mobile-responsive

7. Tie your site to social media

12 essential project management skills

1. Leadership

2. Communication

3. Scheduling

4. Bisk management

5. Cost management

6. Negotiating

7. Critical thinking

8. Task management

9. Quality management

10. A sense of humor

11. Have patience

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