Milk Delivery[edit source]

What a great picture. Did you find out how much the man works by talking to him? He and his job seem to be a dying breed, as people find the convenience of store bought milk. It's pretty interesting to me that he is still able to do it though. Does the milk come from his own farm, or is he just the delivery man? I respect that he rotates horses, if only it were reasonable to rotate delivery men too, so he could get a break.

--AnaMari 16:11, 7 June 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Transportation[edit source]

It seems as though for any farmer riding his burro into town would be an economical means of transport. With social adjustment and an increase in awareness of fuel consumption, I think Parras could benefit greatly from the use of animals as transport. Hopefully those who do use it are aware of their interdependancy with the animal and treat it with such respect. Unfortunately, how do you control the inevitable mistreatment..

--AnaMari 16:19, 7 June 2006 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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