As a Registered Nurse for >30 yrs, I have mixed feelings about bacteria. Up to 2015, there was a uneasy truce. If I washed my hands and practiced clean technique, I could avoid the opportunistic critters which could cause infections and make my life miserable with sinusitis, acne, and the occasional food borne contagion. I practiced a rather prejudiced isolation with my environment. They were rules: Don't touch door knobs (or other fomites) without a cloth or paper barrier; Wash your hands before touching your face (other sensitive 'entry points'); and etc. I remained distrustful of new surrounds. And then a friend asked if I knew about the Nitrobacters ( She gave me a Website: which talks about Nitrosomonas Eutropha. It is now a favorite of mine, along with her sister, Nitrobacter winogradskyi . These little life forms change the ammonia from animal excrement into nitrates for plants and are essential in the Aquaponic process between fish and flora. I had never heard of the Nitrobacters in medicine before 2015. These are not organisms found on cultures and sensitivity tests from the hospital labs. But here is a company that was willing to spend hundreds of thousands in dollars with clinical trials (check out to 'medicinize' N.Eutropha. It is already sold as alternative to chemicals in antiperspirants ( and aquaponic enthusiasts will use a cocktail of the family to 'charge' their new systems so that the water can deliver nutrients. Most of you know about the benefits of a diverse gut biome as well as how many species we have lost through the use of antibiotics. We are starting to find that the gut biome is communicating with us ( I also know that symptoms of the skin, gut, and lung linings (and to some extent, the brain support structures) are interrelated in many diseases due to coming from the same Endoderm origins ( But what is to say that we also need 'good bacteria' on our skin as well as our gut? I suspect knowing that the Nitrobacters cannot survive inside of us because there isn't enough of both ammonia and oxygen together, nitrobacters cannot be invasive. Unlike the bugs causing necrotizing fasciitis, N.Eutropha must stay outside our bodies. In taking away the body odor caused by ammonia, N.Eutropha produces nitrite, a naturally occurring anti-bacterial salt which inhibits other types of bacteria from living with her. It produces Nitrous oxide which is absorbed and dilates our blood vessels, lowering our blood pressure, and making us feel better. I want the Nitrobacters to fill the earth and out populate the rest of the MRSAs, GREs, and other nasties. I will armor myself with Nitrosomonas in hopes remaining sinusitis free. I will continue to put my hands in compost.

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