Getting Started with content creation[edit | edit source]

Learning a new platform and creating content for learners on it can be overwhelming. Don't worry! We got you. This guide focuses on having the requirements checked out and putting together all the prerequisite documentation available so you can seamlessly build your surgical training modules.

Before diving into the checklist, we want to discuss some terminologies that we will be continuously using throughout our guides. They are as follows:

Who is accessing these modules?[edit | edit source]

Knowing who will access these modules allows us to shape it in a way for them to understand. There are two types of users - content creators and learners. Content creators are surgical organizations like you and learners are the group of people you develop content for.

Content / Module Creators[edit | edit source]

Content / Module Creators are teams, organizations or surgeons that create these learning modules. They are skilled professionals who will provide information, simulations tools & assessment tools for learners to learn these skills through appropedia.

The Toolbox[edit | edit source]

This part of the guide is very important as it focuses on how to edit, organize and create content for your simulations that maximizes the learning and impact of your work

Framing and creating modules[edit | edit source]

This part of the guide focuses on how to create surgical training modules using pre-defined templates and how to edit content in appropedia.

Using Templates[edit | edit source]

Preloaded pages are automated templates that we created so you can avoid starting a page from scratch.

Every preloaded page is designed to contain the basic elements you need to adequately document and share knowledge from a certain category. To use these preloaded pages:

  1. Type the page title into the corresponding text box. Be as specific as you can and check that your spelling is accurate.
  2. Click on the Create button and wait for the page to load. A new preloaded page will appear.
  3. Edit all meta information contained on the databoxes. These are the teal-colored boxes to the right of each page which help organize pages into indexable knowledge sources with many cool features such as improve discoverability.
  4. Determine the category your page will belong to. All pages need to be organized into adequate categories, so make sure to double check the right category at the bottom of every page after your first save.

All you need after these steps is to modify the content according to the topic you are creating. You may also add any other elements you want. Always remember to save your progress!

You can see this video on how to create a training module using these templates.

Create a training module using Templates

Learn how to create a training module (or course page) in Appropedia using a template above.

Language: English (EN)

Good Practices[edit | edit source]

When creating content, we know that thinking creatively and out-of-the box helps. Some good practices that we have highlighted to making more structured and easy to learn are:

Creating Surgical Training Content[edit | edit source]

Importing Existing Content to Appropedia[edit | edit source]

If you are a partner and want to work with us by linking your trainings to our global surgical community. We can help you move content from your pages to Appropedia. Here are some ways you can do that:

Importing Pages from another Wiki page

Importing content from a Website

Phase Based Content Creation Approach[edit | edit source]

When creating module content, you want to consider some pointers which include not overwhelming the user with too much content and organizing module in a way that it can be easily navigated. A tried and tested way of doing this is Phase-based content approach. The typical phases in which syllabus can be organized could be as follows:

  • Phase 1 - Knowledge Review Covers a crash course on topics and concepts needed to simulate the surgical environment
  • Phase 2 - Simulation Build Process of replicating the simulation environment using videos, tutorials and detailed guidance
  • Phase 3 - Skills Practice Once the learner has the simulations, they need to learn to practice the surgical skills that they would be performing in the real world
  • Phase 4 - Self Assessment Before actually performing these skills on humans, we want to allow the learner to gain confidence in their learning by providing them some self assessment tools.

Some of our GSTC teams that have been able to impart knowledge using this approach are:

Tibial Fracture Fixation


ASAP Syllabus

Self Assessment[edit | edit source]

Advanced Topics[edit | edit source]

Once you have created content and learned how to use the Appropedia platform to publish your modules, you need to also look into the accessibility part of it. Some of the advanced topics in our guide will help you achieve that goal.

Keyword and Search Engine Optimization[edit | edit source]

There are certain pointers we must consider in terms of content organization and publishing that help people find modules more effectively, both on Appropedia and other search engines. This technique is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Our guide here focuses on the following very important and effective SEO techniques:

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