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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
04:29, 29 November 2008 LaserHardening SurfaceReflectivity.jpg (file) 225 KB This table is from "Laser Material Processing" by William M. Steen. page 230. 2
01:00, 19 November 2008 LaserHardening NormalDistribution.jpg (file) 144 KB Normal distributions demonstrate the radiation profile for most lasers. 1
23:26, 18 November 2008 LaserHardening PhaseDiagram.jpg (file) 79 KB Steel phase diagram Iron-carbon phase diagram under atmospheric pressure This diagram is limited by pure iron on the left and by iron carbide on the right. The mains phases are: * α iron: ferrite, ferritic steel * γ iron: austenite, austeniti 1
05:47, 14 November 2008 Figure2.jpg (file) 820 KB   1
05:42, 14 November 2008 Figure1.jpg (file) 337 KB Figure 1: Radiation profiles of a gas laser (left) and a solid state laser (right). 1
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