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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:44, 28 April 2020 ScraperV1 assembly.jpg (file) 293 KB Scraper V1 Assembly 1
17:47, 10 April 2019 Dexter Introduction Demo code.pdf (file) 75 KB   1
17:43, 10 April 2019 Dexter Introduction DEMO code.pdf (file) 297 KB Update to the comments 6
17:14, 10 April 2019 Dexter Gripper BOM.xlsx (file) 22 KB   1
00:32, 10 April 2019 Modular grabber side.jpg (file) 2.95 MB Modular grabber side 1
00:31, 10 April 2019 Modular grabber top.jpg (file) 6.75 MB Modular grabber top 1
23:50, 9 April 2019 Modular Receiver.jpg (file) 106 KB Modular Receiver for Dexter 1
23:02, 9 April 2019 DexterArm.jpg (file) 380 KB GM Robotic Arm Cage 1
19:25, 6 April 2019 Lucaswaterfall.jpg (file) 116 KB Lucas Beutler 1
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