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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
22:32, 3 May 2012 Stretcher7.jpg (file) 2.47 MB Pinning in wheel 1
22:29, 3 May 2012 Stretcher6.jpg (file) 2.02 MB Axle 1
22:28, 3 May 2012 Stretcher5.JPG (file) 1.61 MB Bracket 1
22:26, 3 May 2012 Stretcher4.JPG (file) 1.7 MB staple 1
22:18, 3 May 2012 Stretcher3.JPG (file) 1.59 MB Draping Cloth 1
22:14, 3 May 2012 Stretcher2.jpg (file) 1.62 MB Drilling holes 1
22:10, 3 May 2012 Stretcher1.jpg (file) 1.78 MB Frame 1
18:17, 11 April 2012 Design cost stretchbarrow.jpg (file) 15 KB design cost graph 1
22:55, 5 April 2012 Stretcher on wall.JPG (file) 1.69 MB our stretcher, leaning against a wall 1
07:14, 21 January 2012 Picture of me.JPG (file) 479 KB me on thanksgiving 1
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