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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:16, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 19.JPG (file) 72 KB Construction 1
20:16, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 18.JPG (file) 48 KB   1
20:15, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 17.JPG (file) 67 KB Construction 1
20:15, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 16.JPG (file) 64 KB Construction 1
20:13, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 15.jpg (file) 517 KB Construction 1
20:12, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 14.jpg (file) 493 KB Construction 1
20:12, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 13.jpg (file) 441 KB Construction 1
20:11, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 12.jpg (file) 584 KB Construction 1
20:11, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 11.jpg (file) 1.03 MB Construction 1
20:10, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 10.jpg (file) 823 KB Construction 1
20:10, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 9.jpg (file) 886 KB Construction 1
20:09, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 8.jpg (file) 877 KB Construction 1
20:09, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 7.jpg (file) 903 KB Construction 1
20:09, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 6.jpg (file) 967 KB Construction 1
20:08, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 5.jpg (file) 880 KB Construction 1
20:08, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 4.jpg (file) 1.05 MB Construction 1
20:07, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 3.jpg (file) 832 KB Construction 1
20:07, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 2.jpg (file) 1.08 MB Construction 1
19:46, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse Data.png (file) 19 KB 10 days of tracking, max and min diurnal temperature. 1
17:29, 9 May 2011 ArcataBattlesGreenhouse 1.jpg (file) 950 KB Greenhouse near completion. 1
21:07, 5 September 2010 Salle.jpg (file) 54 KB On the Salle river in Halle, Germany. 1
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