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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:39, 4 May 2020 Materials (2).jpg (file) 1.51 MB   1
00:28, 4 May 2020 UpcycledBench FInalDesign (2).jpg (file) 1.21 MB   1
22:54, 3 May 2020 UpcycledBench flange.jpg (file) 806 KB metal flange 1
22:44, 3 May 2020 UpcylcedBench Rivets.jpg (file) 806 KB rivets being used to hold material 1
22:33, 3 May 2020 Upcycledbench Perforatedmetal.jpg (file) 1.11 MB molding perforated metal. 1
22:10, 3 May 2020 Upcycledbench Materials.jpg (file) 2.53 MB   1
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