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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:34, 15 October 2012 MaterialFlowChart.jpeg (file) 106 KB Material flow chart 1
00:01, 15 October 2012 Plantlayout2.PNG (file) 19 KB Recycling process line layout 1
23:35, 14 October 2012 Plantlayout.PNG (file) 19 KB   1
22:19, 11 October 2012 WaferDiceSchematic.PNG (file) 200 KB Schematic of silicon wafer disc with semiconductor devices used to show dicing of streets. 1
00:17, 24 September 2012 Pacemaker.jpg (file) 66 KB   1
15:46, 23 September 2012 KeweenawKayak 7 web.jpg (file) 176 KB Near Big Traverse bay. 1
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