This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:08, 4 May 2018 XboxStand.jpg (file) 5.62 MB   1
04:52, 18 April 2018 OxfamMegaphone.JPG (file) 82 KB   2
13:49, 16 April 2018 FreemanMegaphone2.png (file) 30 KB   1
13:45, 16 April 2018 FreemanMegaphone.png (file) 32 KB   1
23:00, 8 April 2018 FreemanMegaphoneDesign.png (file) 30 KB   1
21:23, 9 March 2018 Freemanlightswitch.jpg (file) 6.09 MB   1
14:10, 5 March 2018 Freemanrockclimbinggrip.jpg (file) 6.07 MB This is a grip for rock climbing created by Alan Freeman 1
07:00, 21 February 2018 Freemantensilestrength.jpg (file) 6.06 MB A tensile strength tester made by Alan Freeman 1
04:43, 16 February 2018 Freemanprofile.jpg (file) 30 KB Alan Freeman's profile picture for his Appropedia page (It's a homework assignment) 1
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