Choose the animals to be sold or bought.

  • All you have to do is pea your hand over the animal's loins sad pinch its ribs.

If you can feel the bones, the animal has not got much meat, it is not fat.

If you do not feel the bones, if you feel the meat, the animal is good for selling or buying.

  • But you must also look at the age.
  • Animals are often sold alive at the time of important festivals.
  • So you must always have fine animals for the chief festivals. At that time you can also sell old animals that have been fattened
  • You must plan to fatten animals so that they will be ready for sale at a time when the price is high.


Sheep cut lengthwise (butcher's cuts)

Organizing sales[edit | edit source]

To earn more, it is not enough to work better. You must also sell better.

A farmer must think about the date when he will sell his animals.

You know that sheep and goats are sold at a high price at the time of certain traditional festivals. So organize your stock raising in order to have animals for sale at the festivals.

You may perhaps sell some animals at the beginning of the dry season, if you have not stored enough fodder for the dry season.

You know what animals to sell at that time: sterile ewes, old she- goats and old breeding animals.
Suggested question paper


The.......................................way of breeding does not take much but does not.......................................
The female of the ram is called the......................... and their Young ones are called...........................
The female goat is called the............................. The young ones of goats are called.........................
In Africa there is only one breed of wool sheep, the....................................................
When sheep and goats swallow grass it goes into................ They bring back the grass to chew it. They are.................
They must be given food end all the year especially in the................. season.
Sheep and goats are kept by a and a or in a...........................................
The animals are vaccinated before.........................
For fertilization the ewe the ram......................... and the she goat bye the buck.
Young ones born at the same time are called a.................
The female suckles her young for about.........................months.
From the.........................week the lamb or kid can take other food.
Ewes can be fertilized from the age of.........................months.
The ram should be at least.........................months before serving.
Give each animal - it is the animal's name.
Making a good choice of breeding animals is called...............


Explain how ruminants use grass.
How can you tell if a sheep and a goat are fat?
Where are parasites found in an animal?
How can you see that a ewe is going to have Young?
Explain what took place when a ewe gave birth.
How are males castrated?
Why must a paddock and a shelter be made for sheep and goats?
Why must breeding animals be chosen?

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Authors Eric Blazek
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 12 pages link here
Impact 13 page views (more)
Created April 25, 2006 by Eric Blazek
Last modified September 4, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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