Subpages menu
- 1000 to 3000 Capacity Brick Kiln
- A Bibliography for the Solar Home Builder
- A Chinese Biogas Manual
- A Cooking Place for Large-Sized Pots
- A Design Manual for Water Wheels
- A Manual of Building Construction
- A Method for Cutting Bottles Light Bulbs and Fluorescent Tubes
- A Series of Articles on the Use of Bamboo in Building Construction
- A Sitting Handbook for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems
- A Solar Water Heater Workshop Manual
- A State of the Art Survey of Solar Powered Irrigation Pumps Solar Cookers and Woodburning Stoves
- A Survey of the possible Use of Windpower in Thailand and the Philippines
- A Woodstove Compendium
- Adobe as a Socially Appropriate Technology for the Southwest (Solar-Adobe Sundwellings)
- Adventures with a Hand Lens
- Alternative Limbmaking
- An Attached Solar Greenhouse
- Anaesthesia at the District Hospital
- AntiPollution Lab
- Artificial Salmon Spawning
- Aspects of Irrigation with Windmills
- Basic Principles of Passive Solar Design
- Better Freshwater Fish Farming: The Fish
- Better Freshwater Fish Farming: The Pond
- Biogas Handbook
- Biogas Plants in Animal Husbandry
- Biogas Systems in India
- Biogas Technology in the Third World
- Biogas and Waste Recycling
- Bread Box Water Heater Plans
- Brickmaking in Developing Countries
- Bridging the Gap
- Brief Notes on the Design and Construction of Wood-burning Cook-stoves
- Building with Earth
- Burning Issues
- Charcoal Making for Small Scale Enterprises
- Charcoal Production Using a Transportable Metal Kiln
- Comparing Simple Charcoal Production Technologies for the Caribbean
- Comparison of Alternative Design Wheelbarrows for Haulage in Civil Construction Tasks
- Comparison of Improved Stoves
- Compost Fertilizer and Biogas Production from Human and Farm Wastes in the People's Republic of China
- Considerations for the Use of Wind Power for Borehole Pumping
- Construction Manual for PU350 and PU500 Windmills
- Construction Manual for a Cretan Windmill
- Construction Reference Manual
- Construction and Use of Simple Physics Apparatus
- Construction of Trail Suspended Bridges in Nepal
- Cook-stove Construction by the TerraCETA Method
- Cost Reduction Considerations in Small Hydropower Equipment
- Demystifying Evaluation
- Dermatological Preparations for the Tropics
- Design for a PedalDriven Power Unit for Transport and Machine Uses in Developing Countries
- Design of CrossFlow Turbine BYS-T3
- T1
- Design of Small Water Storage and Erosion Control Dams
- Design of Small Water Turbines for Farms and Small Communities
- Designing a Test Procedure for Domestic Wood-burning Stoves
- Development and Production of School Science Equipment
- Directory of Manufacturers of Small Hydropower Equipment
- Disabled Village Children
- Doing Things Together
- Double Drum Sawdust Stove
- Electric Power from the Wind
- Elementary Guide to Fish Culture in Nepal
- Elements of Solar Architecture for Tropical Regions
- Energy for Rural Development
- Energy for Rural Development (Supplement)
- Energy from the Wind
- Energy: The Solar Prospect
- Establishing a Refugee Camp Laboratory
- Evaluation of Solar Cookers
- Farm Structures in Tropical Climates
- Fish Catching Methods of the World
- Fish Culture in Central East Africa
- Fishing with Bottom Gillnets
- Food from Windmills
- Food or Fuel
- Foot Power
- Forestry
- A Forest Tree Seed Directory
- A Pocket Directory of Trees and Seeds in Kenya
- Agroforestry Species: A Crop Sheets Manual
- An Overview of Possible Uses of Sawdust
- Barnacle Parp's Chain Saw Guide
- China: Forestry Support for Agriculture
- Constructing and Operating a Small Solar Heated Lumber Dryer
- Crosscut Saw Manual
- Environmentally Sound SmallScale Forestry Projects
- Firewood Crops
- Forest Farming
- Forestry Case Studies
- Forestry for Local Community Development
- Frame Saw Manual
- Land Clearance
- Leucaena
- Make Your Own Precision Milled Lumber from Logs and Trees: Alaskan MKII
- Manual of Reforestation and Erosion Control for the Philippines
- Natural Durability and Preservation of One Hundred Tropical African Woods
- People and Trees
- Planning for Agroforestry
- Practical Guide to Dryland Farming: Planting Tree Crops
- Reforestation in Arid Lands
- Savanna Afforestation in Africa
- Short Rotation Forestry
- Small and Medium Sawmills in Developing Countries
- The Chainsaw and the Lumbermaker
- The Propagation of Tropical Fruit Trees
- Timber Drying Manual
- Tree Crops
- Tree Planting in Africa South of the Sahara
- Freshwater Fish Farming-How to
- Freshwater Fish Pond Culture and Management
- Freshwater Fisheries and Aquaculture in China
- From Lorena to a Mountain of Fire
- From the Field
- Fuel Alcohol Production
- Fuel Gas from Cow Dung
- Fuel from Farms
- Gaviotas tropical windmill
- Gemini Synchronous Inverter Systems
- General Surgery at the District Hospital
- Guidebook to Constructing Inexpensive Science Teaching Equipment
- Guidelines on Evaluating the Fuel Consumption of Improved Cookstoves
- Harnessing Water Power for Home Energy
- Helping People in Poor Countries Develop FuelSaving Cookstoves
- Hints on the Development of Small WaterPower
- Homegrown Sundwellings
- Homemade 6Volt WindElectric Plants
- Horizontal Axis Fast Running Wind Turbines for Developing Countries
- Hot Water (Morgan, Morgan, Taylor and Taylor)
- How to Build a "Cretan Sail" Windpump for Use in LowSpeed Wind Conditions
- How to Build a House Using Self-Help Housing Techniques
- How to Build an Oil Barrel Stove
- How to Construct a Cheap Wind Machine for Pumping Water
- How to Look After a Refrigerator
- How to Make Tools
- Hydro-power
- Improved Wood Waste and Charcoal Burning Stoves
- Independence Through Mobility
- Independent Energy
- Industrial Archaeology of Watermills and Waterpower
- Lab Tests of Fired Clay Stoves the Economics of Improved Stoves and Steady State Heat Loss from Massive Stoves
- Laboratory and Field Testing of Monolithic Mud Stoves
- Less Smoky Rooms
- Local Experience with MicroHydro Technology
- Local Self-Reliance
- Lorena Owner-Built Stoves
- Low Cost Development of Small Water Power Sites
- Low Cost Passive Solar Greenhouses
- Low Cost Physiotherapy Aids
- Low Cost Science Teaching Equipment
- Low Cost Wind Speed Indicator. Brace Research Institute
- Low Cost Windmill for Developing Nations
- Making Aquatic Weeds Useful
- Manege: Animal-Driven Power Gear
- Manual for the Design of a Simple Mechanical Water-Hydraulic Speed Governor
- Manual of Rural Wood Preservation
- Manual para la Construccion de la CETARam
- Matching of Wind Rotors to Low Power Electrical Generators
- Micro - Hydropower Schemes in Pakistan
- Micro Hydro electric power
- Micro Pelton Turbines
- MicroHydro Power: Reviewing an Old Concept
- MicroHydro: Civil Engineering Aspects
- MicroHydropower Sourcebook
- Microhydropower Handbook Volume 233
- Mill Drawings
- Mini Hydro Power Stations
- Model Boilers and Boilermaking
- Model Stationary and Marine Steam Engines
- Modern Stoves for All
- More With Less
- Mud Brick Roofs
- Mud Mud
- Multi-Purpose Power Unit with Horizontal Water Turbine: Basic Information
- MultiPurpose Power Unit with Horizontal Water Turbine: Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Nepal: Private Sector Approach to Implementing MicroHydropower Schemes
- New Himalayan Water Wheel
- New Nepali Cooking Stoves
- New UNESCO Source Book for Science Teaching
- Nuevas Tecnicas de Construccion con Bambu
- On Watermills in Central Crete
- One Pot Two Pot...Jackpot
- Optimization and Characteristics of a Sailwing Windmill Rotor
- Overshot and Current Water Wheels
- Painting Inside and Out
- Pair Trawling with Small Boats
- Part I
- Part II
- Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Pedal Power: In Work Leisure and Transportation
- Pelton Micro-Hydro Prototype Design
- Performance Test of a Savonius Rotor
- Personal Transport for Disabled People
- Perspectives on Non formal Adult Learning
- Philippine Medicinal Plants in Common Use
- Piston Water Pump
- Plastic Sheeting for Emergency Shelter and Other Purposes
- Pole Buildings in Papua New Guinea
- Popular Manual for Wooden House Construction
- Practical Shellfish Farming
- Preserving Food by Drying
- Proceedings of the Conference on Energy-Conserving, Solar-Heated Greenhouses
- Proceedings of the Meeting of the Expert Working Group on the Use of Solar and Wind Energy
- Profitable Cage Culture
- Raising Fresh Fish in Your Home Waters
- Rattan and Bamboo
- Rays of Hope
- Reaching Up, Reaching Out: A Guide to Organizing Local Solar Events
- Reference Material for Health Auxiliaries and Their Teachers
- Renewable Energy Research in India
- Renewable Energy Resources and Rural Applications in the Developing World
- Renewable Sources of Energy-Biogas
- Renewable Sources of Energy: Biogas
- Report on Training of District Extensionists
- Report on the Design and Operation of a Full-Scale Anaerobic Dairy Manure Digester
- Rice Husk Ash Cement
- Rice Husk Conversion to Energy
- Rice Husks as a Fuel
- Roof Constructions for Housing in Developing Countries
- Roofing in Developing Countries
- Rotor Design for Horizontal Axis Windmills
- Running a Biogas Programme
- Rural Building: Basic Knowledge
- Rural Building: Construction
- Rural Building: Drawing Book
- Rural Building: Reference Book
- Sahores Windmill Pump
- Savonius Rotor Construction: Vertical Axis Wind Machines from Oil Drums
- Sawdust Burning Space-Heater Stove
- Selecting Water-Pumping Windmills
- Selection of Materials for Burnt Clay Brick Manufacture
- Self-Help Construction of 1-Story Buildings
- Self-Help Practices in Housing
- Set of Construction Drawings for PU350 and PU500 Windmills
- Shaft Lime Kiln
- Shelter
- Shelter II
- Simple Bridge Structures
- Simple Dental Care for Rural Hospitals
- Simplified Wind Power Systems for Experimenters
- Small Earth Dams
- Small Hydroelectric Powerplants
- Small Hydropower for Asian Rural Development
- Small Michell (Banki) Turbine: A Construction Manual
- Small Scale Brickmaking
- Small Scale Hydropower Technologies
- Small Scale Lime Burning
- Small Scale Manufacture of Burned Building Brick
- Small Scale Renewable Energy Resources and Locally Feasible Technology in Nepal
- Small-Scale Production of Cementitious Materials
- Soil Block Presses
- Soil Cement
- Soil cement
- Solar Dwelling Design Concepts
- Solar Photovoltaic Products - A Guide for Development Workers
- Solar Powered Electricity
- Solar Water Heaters in Nepal
- Splitting Firewood
- Standard Trail Suspended and Suspension Bridges
- Steam Power
- Syllabus for Irrigation with Windmills
- Technical Report dealing with the TOOL Windmill Projects 1977-1981
- Technology Markets and People: The use and misuse of fuel stoves
- Technology for Solar Energy Utilization
- Testing Timber for Moisture Content
- Testing the Efficiency of Wood-Burning Cookstoves
- Thatching
- The Anaerobic Digestion of Livestock Wastes to Produce Methane
- The Banki Water Turbine
- The Biogas-Biofertilizer Business Handbook
- The Complete Book of Heating with Wood
- The Construction Installation and Operation of an Improved Pit-Kiln for Charcoal Production
- The Construction of a Transportable Charcoal Kiln
- The Dhading MicroHydropower Plant: 30kWe
- The Economics of Renewable Energy Systems for Developing Countries
- The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse
- The Fuel Savers - A Kit of Solar Ideas for Existing Homes
- The Gaudgaon Village Sailwing Windmill
- The Haybox
- The Heat Generator
- The Homebuilt WindGenerated Electricity Handbook
- The Homemade Windmills of Nebraska
- The Kenya Ceramic Jiko
- The New Solar Home Book
- The Owner Builder's Guide to Stone Masonry
- The Owner Built Home
- The Owner Built Homestead
- The Passive Solar Energy Book
- The Planning Installation and Maintenance of Low-Voltage Rural Electrification Systems and Subsystems
- The Power Guide
- The Principles and Practices of Primary Health Care
- The Production of School Science Equipment
- The Provision of Spectacles at Low Cost
- The Segner Turbine: A low-cost Solution for Harnessing Water Power on a very Small Scale
- The SocioEconomic Context of Fuelwood Use in Small Communities
- The Solar Cookery Book
- The Solar Energy Timetable
- The Solar Greenhouse Book
- The Solar Survey
- The Timber Framing Book
- The Tooth Trip
- The Use of Bamboo and Reeds in Building Construction
- The Use of Pedal Power for Agriculture and Transport in Developing Countries
- The Use of Wheelbarrows in Civil Construction
- The Village Health Worker
- The Wind Power Book
- The Yurt
- Towards Scientific Literacy
- Traditional Bridges of Papua New Guinea
- Traditional Suspension Bridges in Taplejung District
- Trees as an Indicator of Wind Power Potential
- Tropical Oysters
- Vegetation as an Indicator of High Wind Velocity
- Vertical Axis Sail Windmill Plans
- Water Power for the Farm
- Watermills with Horizontal Wheels
- When You Build a House
- Where There Is No Dentist
- Where There Is No Doctor
- Wind Power for Farms, Homes and Small Industry
- Window Box Solar Collector Design
- Windpower in Eastern Crete
- Windpumping: A Handbook: World Bank Technical Paper Number 101
- Windpumps for Irrigation
- Wood Conserving Cook Stoves Bibliography
- Wood Conserving Cook Stoves: A Design Guide
- Wood Frame House Construction
- Wood Stoves: How to Make and Use Them
- Wooden Bridges
- Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide
- Your Own Water Power Plant
Content is currently available here.
Roof Constructions for Housing in Developing Countries Report on Research Study in Central America (1979) on behalf of GATE, German Appropriate Technology Exchange ... Eschborn: German Agency for Technical Cooperation, 1982. Print.
Copyright Information
Free to institutions in developing countries.
License | CC-BY-SA-3.0 |
Language | English (en) |
Related | 0 subpages, 341 pages link here |
Aliases | Roof Constructions for Housing in Developing Countries, AT Sourcebook/Roof Constructions for Housing in Developing Countries |
Impact | 5 page views (more) |
Created | February 3, 2010 by Chris Ruest |
Last modified | December 10, 2023 by StandardWikitext bot |
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