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Parent Flexible Catheter Suction
Rigid Catheter Suction

This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Flexible and Rigid Catheter suctioning. Read each question fully and make sure you understand what the question is asking before you answer. Some questions are select all that apply, these will be marked by square check boxes. After answering all questions to the best of your ability, click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. Your score will be shown at the bottom of the page after submission. You may reset this quiz as many times as you would like.

1 Which type of suction catheter should be used to suction through a stoma?


2 How do you measure the depth for a rigid suction catheter?

Measure from the edge of the mouth to the earlobe
Measure from the nose to the earlobe
Measure from the nose to the earlobe to the xyphoid process
Measure from the nose to the earlobe and add 1 cm


You should suction for no longer than

seconds for an infant,

seconds for a child, and

seconds for an adult.

4 How do you measure the depth for a flexible suction catheter?

Measure from the edge of the mouth to the earlobe
Measure from the nose to the earlobe
Measure from the nose to the earlobe to the xyphoid process
Measure from the nose to the earlobe and add 1 cm

5 After suctioning, the patient is likely to need

A small amount of fluid to reduce dryness in the membranes
Hemorrhage control
None of the above

6 The correct way to suction the patient is to repeatedly "dip" the catheter in and out of the fluid to prevent clogs in the suction tubing


7 The flexible suction catheter can be used to suction down a patient's nares


8 The rigid suction catheter can be used to suction an advanced airway that is larger than a 7.5 French


9 As you suction thick secretions from a patient who was found down, your catheter tip gets clogged with debris. What should you initially do?

Grab another suction device and continue
Attempt to remove the debris, flush with saline or sterile water, and continue suction
Use manual finger sweeps; the suction unit is now unusable and needs to be serviced
Use a different suction catheter with the same device

10 Do the maximum suction times for adult, child, and infant change depending on whether or not you are using a rigid or flexible suction catheter?

Yes, the rigid catheter adds 5 seconds to each population.
Yes, the flexible catheter adds 5 seconds to each population
No, and the depth measurements do not change either
No, the maximum suction time does not change, regardless of the type of catheter

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors Josh Hantke
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations Arabic
Related 1 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 189 page views
Created October 25, 2021 by Josh Hantke
Modified March 1, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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