Short[edit | edit source]

What type of target should Demotech's design iniatives serve? In a wide choice of ideologies available, Demotech creates a new one: We go for 'More Joy Per Person'.

Why[edit | edit source]

Most strategies to reduce poverty or inflict less damage to the environment are not attractive to the haves and do not inspire the poor. What will make the haves reduce consumption to a sustainable level, what will discipline the poor towards a sustainable life style? There is only one answer: rich and poor have to find out that there is a better alternative that offers by far 'More Joy Per Person'!

How[edit | edit source]

It is easy to check what brought most joy into your life: to attain property or to attain friendly interaction. The last is the winner. This is a universal experience and of all times. How to assure 'More Joy Per Person in one's life is done by not accepting a conflict between what it asks to take care for one self and for those that depend on you and the type of work that results in joy. For this, work has to be re-desingned to be meaningful, effective and satisfying.

External links[edit | edit source]

Noam Chomsky
Z Magazine On Line,Line, a monthly magazine, aims to assist activist efforts for a better future.
Schumacher, Buddhist economic thought
Buddhist economics must be very different form the economics of modern materialism, since the Buddhist sees the essence of civilisation not in a multiplication of wants but in the purification of human character. Character, at the same time, is formed primarily by a man's work. And work, properly conducted in conditions of human dignity and freedom, blesses those who do it and equally their products.
What is the story?
A capsule description of Pre-modern, Modern, Postmodern approaches to management and organization. Each revolution has two sides to the story. In fact, a multiplicity of sides to be told. One side is "affirmative postmodern management" ways to make things happen. Another is "critical postmodern management" way to critique exploitation and to remind us that even so-called "postmodern organizations" have their dark side. We explore how postmodern are making affirmative and critical inroads in finance, accounting, management, and information systems, as well as in management practices.
Web radio
Conspicuous consumption
Erich Fromm
Alienation and meaningful work
The Postmodern Condition
A Report on Knowledge, by Jean François Lyotard, an analysis of the legitimation of knowledge in the twentieth century.
Summary of above article by Jean François Lyotard, indicating its relation with Demotech targets on Open Source
As China meets India, hints of a global shift
By Howard W. French The New York Times, Saturday, April 9, 2005
Account on present developments in India and China, that will cause economic recession in the West, apart from a deeper environmental crisis. (Reason for increased pressure to attain a sustainable life style that can commonly be regarded as superior to present capitalism).
P2P and Human Evolution
Peer to peer as the premiseof a new mode of civilization
"What Michael Bauwens has achieved in a very short space fullfills the same function as the Communist Manifesto once did: a call for a worldwide movement for social and political change, firmly rooted in the objective and subjective changes of contempary society, and articulated as a practical and insightful model of human value and power relations that is ahead of its time. If we listen more carefully to Bauwens than we ever did Marx, however, it just might lead to a smooth evolution for humanity rather than revolution, or at worst, destruction. Bauwens has traced out real contours of hope for Western civilization. His presentation of a P2P perspective includes a clear theory of human power and value relations, a practical appreciation of its relationship to the current orthodoxy, and an inspiring vision for viable, sustainable, and desirable futures. Just as Bauwens notes the limited social acceptance of Marx at the time of his writing, it may well be that in years to come Bauwens's articulate and deeply considered insights will not only be as profoundly influential and valuable but, crucially, a lot more workable."
Latest draft version is located at
Organizing one's own mind set
"What is Humanism?"
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Authors Reinder van Tijen, design
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 5 pages link here
Impact 14 page views (more)
Created December 7, 2006 by Demotech
Last modified November 4, 2022 by Irene Delgado
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