Lady's mantle
Lady's mantle (Alchemilla mollis) is a hardy perennial herb. It is a member of the rose family.
Description[edit | edit source]
The leaves are roundish with scalloped edges (see image).
The plant flowers in the summertime.
Growing[edit | edit source]
The plant can be grown from fresh seed or propagated by division during spring or autumn (fall).
This herb grows best in partial sun. In cooler climates it may be able to tolerate more sun, provided it has plenty of moisture. Wherever it is grown, it requires moist soil that drains well or the foliage might not grow well.
Uses[edit | edit source]
The cut flowers are good for keeping in a vase.
This herb has lovely flowers that look good when dried. They can be used in floral arrangements, bouquets and for pressed flower craft.
The plant has some medicinal uses. (These need to be researched and referenced.)