Preparing the trap.
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Authors E.M.George
Location India
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This method of mosquito control involves the use of water containers inside/outside households as well as other buildings, regularly replaced to kill mosquito larvae.

It is well known that mosquitoes lay eggs in water where ever it be. It is also equally true that they visit human dwellings as well as cattle/bird sheds for feeding usually from dusk to dawn and they cannot complete their reproductive cycle without animal protein. Exploiting these weaknesses one could achieve mosquito control. For that provide a few micro water bodies around the building using household utensils. Destroy larvae as & when they appear. By two months one gets tangible reduction in mosquito problem. This experience has repeated at many sites. Further research unearthed the reasons for the magnificent result produced in a short span of two months.

This can be easily extended to larger areas with people's participation as well as cooperation & guidance from concerned agencies like the WHO and the perennial & apparently unsurmountable problems like Mosquito menace & Malaria, Dengue fever & a host of other problems can be solved once for all. See also Some history. This tall claim is based on the confidence given by the three decade long experience in the matter.

Latest news on GEM technology for mosquito control[edit | edit source]

GEM Tech came up during an online discussion[edit | edit source]

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girishso 342 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Let's Kill All the Mosquitoes

This reminds me of GEM Mosquito control. I believe this is the only real eco friendly solution for mosquitoes menace. But corporates milking money out of mosquitoes control devices, won't let this be mainstream.

> GEM technology is a process of achieving sustainable mosquito control in an eco friendly manner by providing artificial breeding grounds utilizing common household utensils and destroying larvae by non-hazardous natural means such as throwing them in dry places or feeding them to larvae eating fishes.

Process in short -

To see all the 425 comments (as on March 29, 2017) follow

Scientists reinvent my 4 decade old GEM Technology for mosquito control[edit | edit source]

The Hindu Thiruvananthapuram (page 20, 4 Apr 2016) reported: "Now, a novel method to trap mosquito eggs"

TORONTO: Scientists have successfully developed a low cost way to trap & destroy the eggs of mosquito......


News on "GM Mosquito: India Test Ground?"[edit | edit source]


National best project award for GEM Technology based work[edit | edit source]



Public healh enemy #1 in CAPTIVITY. 3 stages (Larva, Pupa & Imago) of mosquito under custody! (Shown with fountainpen cap for size comparison.)

It is well known that mosquitoes lay eggs in water where ever it be. It is also equally true that they visit human dwellings as well as cattle/bird sheds for feeding usually from dusk to dawn and they cannot complete their reproductive cycle without animal protein. Exploiting these weaknesses one could achieve mosquito control. For that provide a few micro water bodies around the building using household utensils. Destroy larvae as & when they appear. By two months one gets tangible reduction in mosquito problem. This experience has repeated at many sites. Further research unearthed the reasons for the magnificent result produced in a short span of two months.

This can be easily extended to larger areas with people's participation as well as cooperation & guidance from concerned agencies like the WHO and the perennial & apparently unsurmountable problems like Mosquito menace & Malaria, Dengue fever & a host of other problems can be solved once for all. See also Some history. This tall claim is based on the confidence given by the three decade long experience in the matter.

GEM technology[edit | edit source]

GEM technology is a process of achieving sustainable mosquito control in an eco friendly manner by providing artificial breeding grounds utilizing common household utensils and destroying larvae by non-hazardous natural means such as throwing them in dry places or feeding them to larvae eating fishes Gambussia Affinis, Ebites Reticulatus, Jewel-fish etc. or suffocating them by spreading a thin plastic sheet over the entire water surface such that both stick together to isolate atmospheric air. Shifting the water with larvae to another vessel and pouring a few drops of kerosene oil or insecticide/ larvicide in it is another option for killing wrigglers, but not preferred due to its environmental impact. Most of the ornamental fishes eat mosquito larvae. This method being Gentle, Genetic, God given, Efficient, Economic, Eco friendly, Modern, Mighty & Magnificent is christened GEM technology.

Modus operandi[edit | edit source]

Fig. 1 Preparing Trap
  • Start implementation on a convenient day by keeping 3 or 4 water-filled containers around the house. Water must be free of oil, soap, chemicals and insecticides.
  • Monitor/observe the water body SAME day every week.
  • If wrigglers are noticed destroy them as mentioned above.
  • Repeat the process for 8 to 10 weeks.
  • Continue with at least one container to sustain the obtained result.

A remark[edit | edit source]

In case some one does not get larvae in the artificial water body even after the lapse of a week or two in spite of persisting mosquito problem, one can try polluting the water body with some organic waste such as small pieces or remains of fruit, vegetable, meat, fish or food items (free of oil/fat/ghee) or dry leafs. This is because literature says that some mosquito species have habitat preferences (like polluted water). We are mimicking that.

Salient features & advantages[edit | edit source]

This is an appropriate technology and is detrimental only to the target creature – the mosquito. This can be implemented every where overnight since no new product is involved. THIS CAN ALSO BE WITHDRAWN OVERNIGHT!

Some of the other attractions are[edit | edit source]

  • No training required
  • Need not go in search of breeding places
  • No side or ill effects
  • No pollution
  • No initial or running costs
  • Low gestation period – result perceptible from 8th week onwards
  • And above all UNBEATABLE for mosquito
  • Produces tangible result even if practiced by a single household in an affected area by providing 4 square feet of water surface.
  • Earthen pots and larger containers with wide mouth give better result.
  • 8 to 10 weeks is the duration required for perceptible reduction of mosquito population at a site.
  • Suitable for small scale as well as large scale implementation.
  • The GEM technology was developed not in a lab but in the field for own use.
  • Presence of other water bodies (not very close) is no threat to this.
  • This is a self propelling process.
  • In order to appreciate its effectiveness and potential a-priori knowledge of mosquito's life cycle, reproduction rate, cycle time and reasons for exponential growth of mosquito population are essential.
  • To ascertain the significance of mosquito control an assessment of the financial and social problems, loss of life, wastage of wealth as well as trained man power and pollution caused by repellants is essential.
  • These details are excluded for brevity.

FAQ[edit | edit source]

During the 150 & odd classes conducted over the last 1.5 decades on GEM Technology (a process, perfected in 1978, of achieving considerable reduction in mosquito menace in 10-12 weeks time by destroying the wrigglers obtained in micro water bodies provided for laying) for various types of groups of people, a wide variety of questions have come up. The interesting thing is that the same questions that were asked during the first Press Conference held in 1996 at the Trivandrum Press Club were raised in classes held in Aalapuzha, Thrissur & Kollam during Oct 2006 also. Hence the most commonly raised ones are given below. For answers go FAQA

  1. When the existing water bodies themselves give rise to severe mosquito menace, is it not likely that providing more facilities for the mosquito to lay eggs will worsen the problem?
  2. Source reduction including elimination of water logging and avoidance of indiscriminate disposal of broken bottles & vessels, coconut shells, used tyres etc in open yards to prevent formation of micro water bodies by rain water are the measures suggested by Health Authorities through their pamphlets & news paper ads. What GEM Technology proposes is just contrary to this. How can you be right then? Are not the experts more likely to be correct?
  3. What is the guarantee that all mosquitoes will locate the containers we provide and lay egg in them?
  4. Experts allege that while pouring down the water to destroy larvae & pupae, the eggs that stick on to the edges will get dropped down, remain intact for a year or so, hatch in rain water & produce dangerous mosquitoes. Is this not a dangerous side effect of GEM Technology?
  5. If one forgets to destroy the wrigglers in the artificial water bodies in time will they not mature into adult and worsen the problem instead of solving it?
  6. When so many wells, ponds, drainages, lakes & rivers etc exist all around what difference a few small pots are going to make?
  7. As mosquitoes can fly long distances even if we destroy the mosquitoes of our house will they not come from other houses to ours?
  8. How can one get oneself convinced that this small little silly trick will contain the mega problem while the century long efforts of WHO & all other public health workers world over could not attain it in spite of harnessing most modern powerful technologies & trained manpower?
  9. On what ground is it claimed that in 2-3 months time mosquito menace will come under control?
  10. Will they not continue to get produced at the breeding places and retain the problem on and on?
  11. If such a simple mosquito control method were possible why did no one else especially the westerners did not find it out so far?
  12. Does mosquito have any place in the food chain of Nature? If they are eradicated will it not harm the environment?
  13. We see mosquito as enemy # 1. Does it not have any good aspects?
  14. Does mosquito spread HIV-AIDS? If not, why?
  15. Medical experts & health ministers say that the mosquito borne disease chikun guniya is non fatal. But during the latter half of 2006 when it affected Kerala (one of the states of India), nearly 200 victims lost their lives. How do you explain this?
  16. It is Mosquito that troubles, not larva or pupa. Have you any solution for THAT?
  17. Water bodies attract mosquitoes. Hence, is not the statement "providing water bodies around humen dwellings will not only retain the mosquito menace but also worsen it" logical? (This question has come from the state chapter of an international organisation of professionals ALSO.)
  18. Out of all the mosquito born diseases which is the most serious one?

For answers go FAQA

If you have other questions, please ask on the talk page.

Some of the press reports[edit | edit source]

THE HINDU[edit | edit source]

Kerala edition of leading national daily, dt. April 14, 1998.

Gem Tech WaterBestWeapon.JPG

The Indian Express[edit | edit source]

Kerala edition of leading national daily, dt. May 1, 1998.

GEM Tech NovelMethod.JPG

DECCAN HERALD[edit | edit source]

Leading english daily, Karnataka dt. April 20, 1998.

GEM Tech NewEnvFriendly.JPG

THE HINDU 2[edit | edit source]

Kerala edition of leading national daily, dt. Dec 5, 1999.

GEM Tech HinduFeatureHarishG.JPG

Malayala Manorama[edit | edit source]

Leading Malayalam daily, dt. Oct 18, 2006.

GEM Tech InManorama.JPG

The Indian Express[edit | edit source]

Karnataka edition of leading national daily, dt. May 2, 1998.

GEM Tech Cure4Mosq.JPG

Asian Age[edit | edit source]

Karnataka edition of leading national daily, dt. April 16, 1998.

GEM Tech AnotherAttemptOnMos.JPG

Testimonials[edit | edit source]

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Bharat Ratna, Blessed Mother Theressa [1][edit | edit source]

Bharat Ratna is the highest civillian award of India. Bharat means India & Ratna means Diamond.


GEM Tech MotherTheressaLetterCopy.jpg

Space Engineer who survived Malaria[edit | edit source]

In READER'S MAIL, The Hindu,Jan10,2000

GEM Tech ReadersMailTheHinduJan10,2000.JPG

Jewel fish in GEM mosquito control[edit | edit source]


Clipping from a TV interview on GEM mosquito control[edit | edit source]


For full screen view[edit | edit source]

Latest of the mosquito born diseases[edit | edit source]

Till recently only a dozen of those diseases were known to me. Now thirteen are known. Some consider 13 as inauspicious. Whatever it be the 13th one is indubitably inauspicious and disastrously dangerous. It affects next generation also!

A pregnant Zika fever patient gives birth to a Microcephalic baby!!

Recognising its longlasting potential & threat the Brazilian authorities are reported to have pleaded their women to postpone getting pregnant for a few years till the Zika fever threat is contained!

  1. Zika fever, confirmed by W H O in Delhi 2 years ago (in 2016). It is awaiting the next fever season here (Keralam)!
  2. Malaria, Chikun Guniya, Dengue fever etc. have played havoc in Delhi and then here (Keralam) earlier. Then there is no reason why Zika fever will not follow suit.
  3. Zika confirmed in Keralam (India) July 2021 and toll nearing 20 in two weeks.
  4. Contrary to earlier mosquito-born diseases Zika affects the coming generation also.Zika virus destroys the foetus' brain of pregnant victims.
  5. The vector of Zika virus is one and the same of Chikun Guniya & Dengue - the Aedes mosquito. Aaaaaand Keralam is flooded with Aedes mosquitoes.
  6. Aedes mosquitoes are nocturnal as well as diurnal biters; 24×7 in the real sense!

ZIKA FEVER in DELHI/INDIA diagnosed in 2016 and CONFIRMED by WHO in 2017 ADE!








ARTIST'S SKETCH OF HEAD OF A MICROCEPHALIC CHILD - real photographs are deliberately avoided (for more info follow link ( and for real photographs click view all there below).




Some interesting mosquito pictures[edit | edit source]

Six Culex females laying in a NON-NATURAL water-body[edit | edit source]

Experts opine: Aedes is the ONLY container breeder species.

Behold six Culex females doing it in a row!! How different is truth from incomplete scientific knowledge. The long ones in water are Wrigglers (mosquito larvae) & the shining spots towards right are Pupae.

Mosquito experts opine that Aedes is the only container breeder species. See here 6 Culex females doing it in a row

Mosquito lay eggs on moist (even vertical) surface, not in WATER[edit | edit source]

This may probably clear a doubt of Chris. Mosquito is laying eggs on the moist surface of gravel and not in water.

Culex Female Laying Eggs on moist horizontal surface[edit | edit source]

Below: Culex Female Laying Eggs On Floating Mango-Nut.

The white bits around her are new eggs and the black ones are older.

After a long waiting only I got this picture. The white bits around her are new eggs and the black ones are older.

Close up view of Culex Female Laying Eggs On Floating Mango-Nut.

The white bits around her are fresh eggs and the black ones are older.

After a long waiting only I got this picture. The white bits around her are new eggs and the black ones are older.

Close up photo of Culex mosquito eggs on floating Mangonut[edit | edit source]

After a long waiting only I got this picture. These are not fresh. Otherwise they would have been snow-white. On closer look one can see eggs having lost whiteness but not yet become black.

Aedes mosquitoes bite during day as well as night time![edit | edit source]

Aedes mosquitoes bite during day time.JPG
Aedes mosquitoes bite during night time.JPG
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords mosquito, mosquito control, pest control, malaria, dengue
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors E.M.George
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Derivatives Teknolojia ya GEM ya Kukabiliana na Mbu
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 23 pages link here
Aliases GEM Technology, GEM method, GEM
Impact 1,616 page views (more)
Created February 23, 2007 by Chris Watkins
Last modified October 23, 2023 by StandardWikitext bot
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